
10 Women you should never date or marry.

If you are planning to get married someday, then you should read this article carefully, because, in this post, you will learn about 10 types of women you should never date or marry.

Why Did I Say So?

Marriage is not a child play, it needs care and God’s directions to get the best wife suitable for you. That means you should pray and plan for it. To help you reduce your search for a good wife, I have composed a list of what you should look for as you search for your betterhalf.

That means you should never marry a girl who has the habits I mentioned in this post.

 Socrates said in his quote, “that any man that married the wrong woman will automatically become a philosopher.

Is that who you want to be?”

Don’t worry, in this post, I want to give you some quick tips that will clearly show you the types of women you should never date or marry.

If you are ready, then, then let’s go!

Also, read 7 Types of Men Perfect for Marriage

10 types of women you should never date or marry

1 Men maker: –

These are those chicks that always have a list and lots of expectations for you and will not take it easy with you until they are sure you dance to their tune.

There are lots of them outside and you should avoid mingling with them.

To them, God did not mold you well and they want to do it themselves.

They usually start from trying to change your wardrobe, then your taste of music and finally you. The worst of it is that when you refuse to change and become what she wants you to be, there will never be peace.

I am sure you’ll not want to marry that type of chick.

The fact is that any woman who loves you and want to be with you forever will never want to change you, rather, she will encourage you to be the best.

2 Jealous And Suspicious Chick: –

The jealous and suspicious chicks are also among the types of Women you should never date or marry.

No woman indeed wants to share his man, but it could be more problematic when she is suspicious about everything. According to Dr. Gary Brown, a well-known marriage therapist from Los Angeles, a certain amount of jealousy is healthy.

Not only that being too jealous is an unpleasant experience, but being too jealous or overtly suspicious will make a woman misinterpret what is happening and may take what is a normal event and change it into what she thinks.

That behavior can destroy your relationship. Jealousy can cause resentment in your relationship, it will also reduce trust and cause you to argue all the time.

3 Professional Gossip: –

Never plan to date or marry any girl who is a gossip, if you do, then you have made a big mistake.

Whether she is talking about other people in your family or co- Worker, gossip is gossip. But worst is that woman who gossips about the husband to her friends and families.

Kelvin Thomson describes gossip to be more damaging than adultery and that’s because people that gossip never believe they are doing anything wrong., but everyone knows that adultery is wrong.

That simply means you should atay away from any girl that gossips because gossip leads to other gossips.

4 Want to have it all chick:-

These chicks are always interested in what other people have not minding that they have the same.

For example, she has red shoes, but she saw the Neighbor wearing the purple color, and immediately she prefers that purple color. Any woman like that never gets satisfied with anything.

If you want to marry that type of woman then make sure your bank account is loaded because she will leave you when you can’t satisfy her needs.

5  Domineering type of woman :

These chicks want to be the boss, they want to dictate what will happen in the home, they usually want to threaten the husband with divorce and always manipulate some arguments in other to bend their husband.

It is a nightmare when you live with such a woman who wants to tell you what to do and what not to do because they will leave no space to you for personal opinion.

6 Bad cook:-

If you enjoy food as I do, then you have to look for someone who knows how to cook good food.

7 A lazy chick: –

Would you like it when you come back from work and see clothes litter everywhere, dishes piled up in the kitchen and the whole house is unkempt.

Intact everything is exactly the way they were before you left.

The worst of it all is that your spouse is glued to the television.

That is the lifestyle of a lazy woman.

8 Unfaithful type of chick: –

Can you stand it when you get reports from friends and loved ones, or you find out yourself that your wife is cheating on you?

Getting married to an unfaithful woman is the worst thing that can happen to any man, even your life is in danger.

9 High maintenance women: –

A high maintenance woman is the same as a high maintenance car. They are those types of girls who want many things (affection, money and other material things) just to make them happy. If you can afford everything then go ahead and marry her. But think twice.

10 Disrespectful women: –

The number one ingredient to make any marriage successful is mutual respect. Marry a woman who is disrespectful and then you will live to be unhappy forever.

The bible says in Proverbs 21 verse 9 ” It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared by a quarrelsome wife.

So when your prospective wife is not regarding your opinions or “second-guessing you “, it is a clear indication that some disrespect is thrown at you.

Think twice before committing yourself.


If you want to enjoy your marriage, then be careful when selecting your partner.

This list of the types of girls you should never date or marry is just to help you achieve a successful marriage.

Just keep searching and you will find your heart desire

I am still your friend Murphyaik

See you at the top.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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