Categories: Romance

Love In Marriage: 9 Amazing Ways To Love Again

If your marriage is not what you expected it to be at this moment, then understand that all hope is not lost, because in this post I will show you a few interesting ways to love in marriage. You have seen so many couples that are very happy in their marriage, and you wonder how they made it so.

There is no other secret to their success, neither can it be seen as chance or luck it can only be attributed to that little effort from both partners and their great will to be together. Hopefully, there are tons of things you can start doing after reading this article that help to sustain lasting love in marriage.

So whether your marriage is going well, or failing before your very eyes, there is a great need to work and nurture it daily in other to keep the romance alive.

Joel Osteen in his book “Become a Better You” said you don’t have to let your marriage just survive, you should always have a new vision daily. I have also written so many posts about how to improve love in marriage. See them below. What he is telling us is, to do anything at our disposal that could help our marriage or relationship grow better.

Table of Contents

    Question now is,

    What are those things you can do to improve love in marriage?

    Here are they:

    How To Sustain Real Love In Marriage:


    1) Build lasting friendships:-

    A lasting friendship is an important issue when you want to sustain Romance in your relationship because it creates a deeper bond between the two of you which always goes beyond being just romantic.

    How you relate with your spouse matters greatly in building a family.

    It is that point in your relationship where you and your spouse don’t just love yourselves, but you like and cherish everything thing about each other. Friendship also helps to build great intimacy where you and your partner are not afraid to share your deepest feelings and thoughts.

    When good friendship exists in your marriage, all your interests and activities become so enriched, because you are dealing with your best friend who wants to share it with you. Dear, if friendship has been lacking in your relationship, then it’s time to start building it.

    Here are a few ways to go about it.

    a) Always be gentle
    b) Be considerate.
    c) Be trustworthy
    d) Be loyal
    e) Have time for your partner.
    f) Share deeper interests
    g) Laugh together.

    To start building it, you must sit down and identify those things that are not working as they should and start working on them.

    (2) Cuddle:

    Cuddling is another way to make your marriage stronger. Actually, nothing can be compared with cuddling that person you love dearly, especially when you hold him through the night, it shows that the person is always on your mind when you are asleep and also he/ she is the first thing you set your eyes on as you wake up in the morning.

    Research has proven that cuddling makes us:

    a) Happier:- We feel healthier and happier when we are physically close to someone and our body releases Oxycontin, a chemical that helps in maintaining a strong and healthy relationship.

    b) Touching helps to reduce a good level of cortisol, which attacks our immune system. It also makes us less anxious. When someone touches your hands and holds them for a while it makes you feel a little better.

    Did you see why cuddling is important?

    3) Be trustworthy:-

    Trust is inevitable in any relationship. When trust exists in a relationship, that freedom results in love and intimacy.

    That simply means that without trust, there is insecurity, and fear, and all these limit the full potential of intimacy.

    Question is!

    Can your partner trust you? Can he/ she be free enough to share her heart with you? However, the same way you earn respect, you can also earn trust and it starts with doing what you say and remaining faithful to your spouse.

    Sometimes, we are too ignorant to know that those little lies, those little failed promises we made to our spouse, are helping to diminish our trustworthiness in the eyes of our partners.
    Remember, if you make so many withdrawals from your emotional bank account of trust, then the trust will vanish.

    My advice for you is to make building trust a priority in your relationship. No trust simply means your marriage is heading to a crash Henry Cloud said that “Intimacy comes from knowing the other person at a deeper level ” If the interest of your marriage is paramount to you, then start now to develop trust again.

    4) Teamwork:-

    When you look at those successful couples, you will find out that they function well as a team and depend on one another for strength. If the woman knows better about finances, she is left to be responsible for that, while the man is left to do the planning, if that is the area of his specialty.

    He decides the day for the family vacation and outings as well as family devotion. Just like in football, no player can play it all, all of the players depend on each other to win. Such is marriage. There must be teamwork to succeed as a couple. It is always easy for husband and wife to get out of sync and work against one another.

    But always have in your mind that marriage is the same as a 3-legged race, if you try to push ahead without your spouse’s cooperation you will fail, but when you work as a team, then you will succeed. Couples that work together cover each other’s weaknesses and build each other’s strengths as well as help lift each other up when one stumbles.

    5) Be Clear:-

    Always be clear when you are communicating, say your mind but not provocatively. You must monitor your voice during the communication. Listen when necessary and never interrupt him or her during the conversation.

    Share your burden thoughtfully, your partner is not a mind reader to know what your needs are, so let him/ her know it. Talk about what is not going well in the relationship, your sex life, your family budget, and other important issues, two heads are far too better than one when it comes to working things out.

    6) Prioritize Emotional Intimacy:

    If you are interested in learning how to love in marriage, you must prioritize emotional intimacy, as it is the glue that holds every successful relationship. While physical intimacy is also very important, being emotionally connected with your spouse helps you build empathy and understanding.

    To improve your emotional intimacy, you will need to always have quality conversations about your needs and wants in your marriage, including goals and dreams. Learn also to be a good listener and genuinely focus on your partner’s words without interrupting them. Always be free to share your vulnerability, because that will help you have a good connection with each other.

    Finally, I want you to always remember that marriage thrives when both of you feel emotionally supported and valued. Therefore, spend a good time intentionally connecting emotionally with each other to sustain the love you share in your marriage.

    7. Learn To Forgive Regularly:

    Another important thing that ensures you have a quality love in marriage is forgiveness. If you haven’t tried it before, then try forgiving your partner regularly from this moment. No marriage is 100 % free from mistakes or misunderstandings, but the worst mistake is to hold onto resentment for a long time.

    Forgiveness is a decision that allows you to drop whatever is hurting you and move forward, note that it doesn’t mean ignoring your pains, but choosing to love that hate.

    To practice forgiveness, you have to choose to have good love in marriage, and as you start addressing your marital issues calmly, you will achieve that. Start by discussing the reasons for those hurts and then work together to find a common ground to tackle it. Avoid letting your past mistakes stand in the way, instead concentrate on building more trust.

    Forgiveness brings healing and prevents old baggage from becoming a stumbling block in your relationship. As you learn to forgive, you have created enough space for love in marriage to thrive effectively.

    Final thought About Love In Marriage:

    You have to be intentional when you want to sustain love in marriage. Note that every strong relationship is built on teamwork, and emotional intimacy, which is the backbone for lasting love. By genuinely forgiving your partner and having open communication with each other, you are building a deep friendship that will sustain your relationship forever.

    Don’t forget that no marriage is perfect, but when you are committed to doing your best, with persistence, you can make your challenges and opportunities for growth. Start by fixing the areas of your marriage that need attention and you will see improvement shortly. Keep prioritizing love in marriage and watch how your bond will become stronger by the day.

    I am still your in-house Counselor Murphyaik. See you at the top.

    Hey! We would appreciate it if you could say hello, leave a comment, or ask us any questions you may have, and if you find this post interesting, Share it with your friends.  Your journey to have perfect love in marriage starts here.



    • AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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    AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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