
The Wrong Man: 13 Tremendous Reasons You Married Wrongly

There are so many things that can make any girl get married to the wrong man. This post addresses many of the questions I have received from my readers lately.

No woman wants to get married to the wrong man; in fact, every woman avoids that like a bomb, but if your reasons for getting married and your choices are related to what I will describe in a minute, then you are planning for yourself the worst relationship everyone hates marrying the wrong person. People try everything could avoid it, yet so many people end up falling into the arms of the wrong partner.

Here are the reasons. 

Why you will marry the wrong man 

1 When all you want is money:-

Getting married to a rich man or woman is good because you are sure that your needs will be met, but, if you make it criteria that only a rich guy or lady will marry you, then you are making a big mistake.

You must also know that you’ll never be a priority to that rich husband because his life work will be there before you unless you want to be the number 3 on his list of priorities.

A rich guy /lady will not want to display his romantic side to you because he knows too well that you can buy his way to your heart, and he can shower you with gifts, but have you thought about what he does on those long business trips?

Well, you want money other women out there want the same, so don’t be jealous that he throws the same money around the other women.

2 You are pressured by friends and family:

It may be true that your family members or friends are pressuring you to get married, but understand that marriage is not a day job, it is a lifetime thing and so you have to take a deep breath and think about the decision you want to take.

Never rush into marriage because anyone told you to, do what you think is right for you, and ask yourself if you are ready to take that step and if the choice you are making is the right thing for you.

Remember, when things start crumbling down, those friends and family may not be there to comfort you.

3 You love him so much and don’t want to lose him: –

Well, love is important in any relationship, but it is genuine when love is balanced. You love him so much and will not want to lose him that’s right, but he still abuses you and he doesn’t reciprocate your love and you believe he will change in the future?

Dear, if one door closes, another one will open. If you lose any boyfriend then the two of you are not meant to be together in the first place.

Always be ready to let him go and trust God that your dream man will come.

4 Your clock is ticking fast: –

Yes! You are 27 yrs old, next year you’ll be 30 yrs and you want to get married immediately because your biological clock is ticking fast and silently reminding you that you are getting old.

Tell me, would it be better to be in a bad marriage than get old? Age is only a number. Your real and mister right will not want to know your age any time he comes. So all you have to do is commit it to God and let Him do the rest.

5 You believe you owe him:

He indeed paid your school fees, she took care of your unpaid bills and was there for you when things were not going well. Now you think it’s your turn to pay back. That may be the worst mistake you’ll make in life. What if he is the wrong man for you or you are not compatible with each other?

It is good you marry because you want to and not because you want to pay your debt.

6 You are pregnant For him:

It may be that he impregnated you or you are pregnant for him, but that shouldn’t be the reason for marrying him.

Although that may sound good, in your marriage, you’ll find out that your partner is just a baby mama /father and not your husband or wife and that’s because the child is the foundation of your marriage.

7 You want to get over an Ex:-

You heard that your Ex. is married or getting married or your Ex. dumped you and you think the way forward is to get a long life relationship so you can easily forget your Ex. That’s a wrong reason to marry, because you may end up marrying someone you don’t love or don’t love you either.

8 He just asked you to:

It’s somehow hard to reject a marriage proposal, but that doesn’t mean you should give your hands on marriage so easily to any man. When you accept to marry a man simply because you don’t want to hurt him could make you regret it for the rest of your life.

Remember that marriage is more than just giving your hand, it involves giving your heart, trust, and everything you owe.
Rushing into marriage can make you marry the wrong man and you will blame yourself for that in the future.

Therefore, take your time to evaluate any relationship you want to enter into and be sure your decision aligns with your preferences and future goals.

9 You want to be happy:

Getting into any relationship /marriage will never make you happy, but, your happiness can earn you a good marriage.

Get a life you want now you are single and understand that marriage is not about your happiness, but about your partner’s happiness.

10. You Want To Prove A Point:

The easiest road to marry the wrong man is to get married because you want to prove a point to your family or friends. Probably, you want your exes, society, or family members that you can settle down or attract a good man.

Unfortunately, when trying to prove that point, you may forget the critical truth that marriage works better when you are compatible with each other. Any marriage built on outside validation can never survive any internal challenges.

11. You Think Time Will Change Him:

Getting married to someone just because you hope he will change in the future is a very risky gamble that will never pay off. People can only change when they sincerely want to and not because you want them to. My advice to your u is to run away from any man you see traces of neglect, lack of ambition, or abuse from, especially if you see them before marriage. Ignoring these signs causes you heartbreak and frustration in the future.

Deciding to marry the wrong man with the hope time will change him can be the worst decision you take, and will cost you peace and happiness. Only focused on marrying someone who will align with your values and take good care of you.  

12. Your Friends Are Married:

Another thing that can make you marry the wrong man is when you are desperate to marry because your friends are all married. This will make you go for any available man, even when they are not compatible with you. But, just understand that marriage is either a competition or a box to check to meet up with others.

Rushing into a relationship with the wrong man can result in unhappiness and regrets. Your journey is unique, and it’s worth waiting for the right person who truly complements you. Focus on personal growth and finding a partner who aligns with your values, rather than succumbing to societal or peer pressure.

13. Fear Of Being Alone:

Fear of loneliness can make you marry the wrong man. Being single can indeed be daunting, but it is better than making the wrong choice and enduring what follows being in the wrong marriage.

Keep in mind that an unhappy relationship cannot cure your loneliness, instead, it amplifies it Therefore
, instead of settling for less, prioritize building a single life that is fulfilling and independent. When you enjoy your life as a single and are content with yourself, it will be easier for you to attract the right partner. Remember that self-worth is the backbone for finding true love.

Conclusion On Why You May Marry The Wrong Man:

Getting married to the wrong man has very bad consequent consequences for a long time. It is therefore important you check your intentions before committing to that marriage. Consider compatibility, genuine love over, and societal pressures or material gains.

Keep in mind that it is better to remain single than rush into a relationship you will regret for the rest of your life. Ask God to guide you, focus on building a perfect single life, and then wait for the mister right that meets your desire. Your joy and peace are more important than rushing into a relationship you will regret forever.

I am still your In-house counselor, Murphyaik.

See you at the top.

Also, remember to take this conversation further by sharing it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and others.

I will be back again soon.



  • AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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