205 Super Sexy Good-Night Text Messages For Couples
Do you want your spouse to feel sexy this night? Then check out these super romantic, sexy good-night text messages you can send to your spouse this night.
If you love your spouse so much and want to make him or her feel super sexy tonight, then these text messages are for you.
The truth is that sexy good-night text messages are not the same as those normal messages you can forward to everyone.
These were specially and painstakingly crafted to show your spouse how loving, romantic, and caring you are.
The best of it all is that when you send these sexy text messages to them, your spouse’s face will be lit with smiles till she sleeps. And she will wake up feeling those butterflies in her belly.
Isn’t that what you want? Good.
The secret is that it doesn’t take much to be a super romantic person; it just takes knowing what excites your partner and taking advantage of it, and you’ll succeed.
Sexy good-night text messages are one of those things your partner will love getting from you.
You don’t have to be a prolific word creator to send these romantic writings to your spouse.
Even if you don’t know how to lift a pen, it wouldn’t take you much to bring a smile to your partner’s face.
The good news is that I have compiled some uncommon hot-night text messages and included dirty texts to send him before bed for you to use as you want.
There are also some dirty texts to send to him before bed included in this post for you.
Do you want to get new ideas on how to date your spouse again? Get 175 unique date ideas here.
Why use sexy good-night text messages or quotes?
Good-night messages for him or her or the dirty texts to send him or her before bed are different from other messages you send to someone.
Those messages make you look smart and romantic to your spouse.
The good thing about sending them to your partner is that it helps to open up your feelings fully to him or her.
It also makes your partner feel loved and cared for. Think about that little smile your messages will light on your partner’s face.
They will never forget it on time. You only have to make those sexy messages sweet and candid enough to drive the message home to your partner.
If you are ready to read those sweet and sexy good-night text messages, let’s dive in.
How to Use These Sexy Good-Night Text Messages to Boost Your Relationship.
There is no best way to use these text messages to improve your marriage, but make sure you don’t oversend them.
Texting one or two of these messages to your spouse around 6 pm to 9 pm every evening is a great way to improve your relationship over time.
This is because every thoughtful message brings a smile to his or her face as well as making their day unique. It also makes them have you in mind always.
Every marriage needs consistent work to strengthen it. New relationships need great work to maintain the bond that is growing.
These sexy good-night text messages will do the magic. Send it to your spouse today, and they will never forget how much you care for them.
Let’s dive in.
Sexy Good-Night Text Messages.
Good night, My Love;
1) “Saying good night is not just putting an end to a day; it´s a way of saying, I remember you before I go to sleep. I hope you can feel the care that goes with it. Good Night
2) “Beautiful dreams, stars, the moon, flowers, and sunsets have nothing on you, girl. You make the world a brighter place even when you’re going to bed.”
3) “My wishes for you tonight are dreams filled with love, peace, comfort, and thoughts of me.”
4) “You are the one thing I love the most in this world. You have given me hope when all I see is darkness.” cute good-night messages.
5) “You are on my mind so much that I thought I would text you to tell you goodnight, and I love you.”
6) “Fall asleep happy tonight, my love. Know that we are always together in our hearts, even when we are separated in the distance.” sexy good-night text messages
Sexy Good-Night Text Messages for Her Before Bed.
7) “Every night, God sprinkles a little magic dust on you when you’re sleeping to make you even more beautiful when you wake up.”
8) “Looking at the moon brings a smile to my face. Open your window and look at it too. We’re two souls apart, but looking at the world together.”
9) “Good night, my love. I am so happy that we were able to spend another beautiful day together wrapped up in the love that we share.”
10) “Every night is always the same for me. I go to bed feeling empty inside, knowing that another night will pass without being able to hold you in my arms.
11) “The night breeze blows through my hair and reminds me of how amazing it is when we’re together. I wish you could be here tonight. I love you.”
12) “Just a sexy goodnight text to let you know I’ll be thinking about you in every position before I go to sleep.”
13) “Hey, sexy, I just wanted to say goodnight, sweet dreams, and that I can’t stop thinking about you.”
14) “I’m going to tell you three things I would do to you if I were there right now. I want you to imagine them while you fall asleep.”sexy good-night text messages to her.
Good night, Sexy You Are The Apple Of My Eye.
15) “Wrapping myself around this pillow just isn’t doing it for me. It’s missing all the best parts.”
16) “I can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about how amazing last night was.”
17) “Heya I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about how much I love it when you touch me. Sweet dreams.”
18) “Here’s a good night message to turn you on, baby; tomorrow I’m going to vacuum the entire house and do the dishes.”
19) “Just so you know, we would be having so. Much. Fun. If only you were with me right now.” Sexy good-night text messages.
Sensual Good Night Quotes From Him.
20) “I dreamed that I was lying in bed with you last night. We were so close, and your skin was hot. I never wanted to wake up. Good night.”
21) “I just got out of the shower. I was thinking of you while I was in it. Now I feel dirtier. Have hot dreams of me tonight.”
22) “I’m addicted to your love. I need more of it, honey. I hope you will have as sweet dreams as me.”
23) “I miss you with every passing second. I miss the way everything feels right with you. I miss you.”
24) “Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you.”
25) “Hey. I know it’s late, but I can’t stop thinking of you. I hope that you have an amazing”
26) “This text message is an official invitation for you to join me in my dreams.”
Hot Goodnight Message For My Love.
26) “Sometimes, there are things that I cannot explain. The first time I was truly stumped was when I realized that my life changed when I met you. All of a sudden, it became impossible to sleep.”
27) “Nights are longer than the days I spend with you so I hope to visit you in your dreams so we can remain together.”
28) “Too bad you’re not here right now… Oh, wow, I better stop thinking about this, or I’ll never get to sleep.”
29) “Babe, if you were here with me right now, I would rip off your clothes and do insane things to our body. But you’re not so… Sleep tight.”
30) “Good night my darling and sleep tight because you will have a hard day tomorrow. Remember that I am always with you, even if I am not with you physically, but in my mind permanently. Sweet dreams, my love.”
31) “I am always instantly transported to paradise every time you give me a good-night kiss because it tells me how much you love and care for me. Good night, my dear.”sexy good-night text messages.
Sexy Good-Night Text Messages To The One I Love
32) “No matter how far you are from me, I can walk a thousand miles to get to you, queen of my heart. I love you. good night.”
33) “I’m far from you tonight; I miss your body so my heart speaks to you… I love you.”
34) ” I”want you to be with me; I want you to be in me. But you are not here. I am going to satisfy this thirst for you in my imagination. Sweet Dreams.”
35) “My bed is lonely without your tender embrace.
I long to be with you. Even while my body is sleeping,
my mind wanders to your side.
Goodnight, sweet Angel.”
36) “Hey gorgeous. I want to hear your good-night fantasy. If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll make it come true tomorrow.”
37) “Baby, I’m hungry, but I want you to feed me from your lips to my lips. Sweet dreams are sexy.”
38) “I’m in bed over here; you’re in bed over there… one of us is in the wrong place.”
39) “The brightest thing in this world are your two eyes when you look at me, I don’t want to see stars at night but your eyes. Goodnight, my love.”
40) “Hey you, I couldn’t sleep until I told you how badly I want you right now… good night.
41) “Have sweet dreams. I hope your thoughts become a cloud that will slowly and gently take you to infinity.”
42) “I’m going to dream about you tonight, and then tomorrow I’m going to do all the things I dreamed about to you. Nighty night!“
43) “I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about that time that we… [insert a naughty memory].”
Sexy Good Night Text Messages To The One I Love.
44) “Just thought I’d let you see what I’m wearing to bed [insert photo of you wearing a bedsheet] Goodnight!”
45) “The only thing I hate about falling asleep is that it’s time.
46) “Goodnight, my love and friend. You have always been the one for me. Sweet dreams are sexy.
47) “Open your heart and close your eyes. Feel my love reach beyond the skies. Sweet dreams are sexy.”
48) “Just a goodnight text to let you know I’ll be thinking about you before I go to sleep.”
49) “Take a look at the moon outside. It’s beautiful. I wish I could be looking at it with you.”
50) “Hey babe, remember that time we [fill in the blank]? Good luck going to sleep now!”
51) “Babe, I can’t sleep. I just keep imagining all the things we could be doing to each other if you were here.” sexy good-night text messages.
52) “Go get some sleep, and while you’re at it, dream about all the things you want me to do for you, and maybe I’ll do them IRL tomorrow. Nighty nite.”
53) “Doing some last-minute “date night” planning for tomorrow before bed [insert photos of sex toys/lingerie/restraints/lube/condoms/etc. laid out on the bed].”
54) “I bet you look so sexy cuddled in your blankets. But not as sexy as you’d look.”
Unique Hot Night Text Message
56) “I can’t stop thinking about [sexy/explicit thing you did together one time] I look forward to duplicating that memory the next time I’m in your bed.”
57) “Hey, babe, I was just thinking about that time we [fill in the blank]. It was so effing HOT. Good luck falling asleep now.”
58) “Hey you, before I go to sleep, I just wanted to let know how bad I want you. Ok, goodnight.”
59) “May you always be reminded in your dreams tonight how much I love you and what the future could bring.”
60) “Squeeze your pillow, close your eyes, and sleep tight, my beautiful girlfriend.”
61) “May your nighttime be filled with pleasant dreams and lovely night sleep. You know I love you, right? Well, I do. Goodnight to you, sweetie pie.”
Dirty Texts To Send Him Before Bed.
62) “How come I’m always horny when you’re not around. Grrr!”
63) “What’s it called when you love sucking on things? An oral fixation? Yeah, I’ve got that.”
64) “Sometimes I see you, and it’s like I’m out of control. I just want to jump your bones.”
65) “I can’t figure out whether I like you best on top of me, beneath me, or next to me. What do you think?
66) I just finished taking my show, and I wish you were hers to help me rub my lotion.
67) “What I need right now: sleep, food, and sex. Except I don’t care about the first two.”sexy good-night text messages
68) ” Just like chocolate melts all over ice cream, I want to pour myself to you, although it sounds crazy; it sounds like it tastes good too. Ray packer Jr.
69) “I can’t help but touch myself when I think about you.”
70) “Every time I fantasize about us having sex, I imagine you tying me up and having your way with me.”
71) “Hey baby, you are going to see me in your dreams soon. To keep you company and make you look great. Good night and sweet dreams, darling.”
72) “I just noticed that my bed is a lot more comfortable with you in it. Sweet dreams are sexy. Hey, beauty, just wanted to say goodnight, sweet dreams, and that I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Hot, Sexy, and Cute Good Night Messages to My Love:
73) “Thinking about you is opening my heart to a peaceful and relaxing good night’s sleep. I love you so much and I wish you a good night’s rest. Goodnight and sleep tight, damsel.”
74) “I wish that all your dreams are beautiful and sweet as you are and I love you to the moon and back. Goodnight and sweet dreams to you, sunshine, and I love you more than love itself.”
75) “I miss you so much as the nighttime draws near and I wish you a beautiful night’s sleep. Goodnight and sweet dreams, jellybean.”
76) “Thinking about you is opening my heart to a peaceful and relaxing good night’s sleep. I love you so much and I wish you a good night’s rest. Goodnight and sleep tight, damsel.”
77) “You light up my world and life with your unconditional love and as you hit the bed, I wish you a lovely night’s sleep. Goodnight!”
78) ” I wish I could be with you as you lay down your head to sleep. I miss you so much and I love you beyond words.”
79) ” As you go to bed tonight, I want you to know that I will be here dreaming about you all night long. Goodnight to you, my darling girlfriend.”
80) “All I can think of as I lay down my head to sleep is you, my beautiful girlfriend and I wish you a wonderful night’s sleep. Goodnight!”
81) “I know we will soon be together. I can see the end from here, so I say to you, be hopeful and steadfast because I will be there for you soon. I can’t wait to hear the beat of your heart, and I can’t wait to hold you close to me. I just can’t wait to look straight into your eyes and say, ‘I love you.’” sexy good-night text messages
82) “I’m looking at the stars tonight and watching as the moon shines, but nothing can compare to the sight of you. I’m so lucky to have you. Sleep tight!”
Sexy Good Night Text Messages For Her Long Distance:

81“I’ll always pray to see you soon because my heart misses you with the passing of each second. I know you are on your way to achieving your dreams, and I will always pray for you because your desires align with mine. Your success is my success, and I am ready to make this sacrifice to see you smile.”
82) “To everyone around, you are away, but to me, you are right here inside my heart. Distance is no barrier to the heart that loves. I will adore you with every part of me until you are back here. My heart can’t stop thinking about you all day long.”
83) “My love for you is permanent, and there is nothing that will take it away. The truth is that I need you here with me, but I am willing to wait for your return, no matter how long it takes. The distance between us only fuels my love for you, because the more I miss you, the more I realize that I truly need you in my life.”
84) “Days might pass, and months will go without us setting eyes on each other, but nothing changes because the heart knows where it belongs. Keep building yourself, because I am preparing myself for you, because the future holds more for our union.”
85) “The distance is only temporary because my heart keeps beating for the most awesome person in the whole world. Forget the miles between us; you will be there, and I will be here, but our hearts will still beat for each other.”
86) “I am making my way to where you are because I can’t bear the torture of missing you any longer. Even if you are miles away from me, you can never run away from my heart. My heart beats for you, and it is one thing that loves you unconditionally.”sexy good-night text messages.
87) “I have your heart with me; you have mine with you, and I don’t want it back. I want you to handle it with the best care in the world. No matter where you are or where you go, I’ll still be here for you. I’ll always love, cherish, and adore you. Distance never separates two hearts that care. It’s only a test of true love. I believe our love can stand against all odds. I can’t wait to see you again.”
88) “The distance is hard and also incredible as long as we love, cherish, trust, and respect each other. We’re unstoppable, and not even a thousand miles can stop our love. It’s going to be hard, but in the end, it’s going to be worth all the stress because we’re going to have a lifetime to live our vow. I miss you so much, baby—much love from me to you.”
89) “Our love has gone through a lot of hurdles, and with this, I’m confident of better days ahead. Nothing compares to what and how I feel for you, and no distance can come between the love we share. Change is the only constant thing, but my love for you is also endless. It will only grow beautifully and abundantly. I love you endlessly, darling!”
90) “You’re my only true love. Nobody and nothing can come in the way of what and how I feel for you, not even the farthest of distance. Nothing can separate my heart from yours because we’re one soul in two different bodies. Your thoughts keep dominating my mind so I can’t think of anything else. What we share is so real and beautiful, and I won’t trade it for anything. You’re an impressive package of goodness, and you’re all that my heart yearns for in life. I miss you, baby! See you soon.” Sexy good-night messages.
“Sexy Good Night Text Messages The Budding Relationship“
91) “You Are Such A Big Part Of My Life. I Just Know That You Will Be In Mine For Many More Years To Come.”
92) “I love you more than anything in this world. I hope you know that as you fall asleep. I cannot wait to see your face tomorrow!”
93) “Just wanted to let you know that you mean the world to me, and not sleeping next to you is my least favorite thing. Sweet dreams, honey, love you!”
94) “As you close your eyes tonight, know that I am closing mine with you in my mind. Good night, my love.”
95) My love for you outshines all the stars in the world! I wish I could prove it to you, but somehow, my love will just have to suffice. I love you, sweet cheeks.e.”
96) “I’m about to turn in, so I just wanted you to be the last person I speak to before falling asleep. I hope you’re okay, and I’ll call you first thing in the morning. Sweet dreams, babe.”
97) “If you have trouble sleeping tonight, that’s probably because you are awake in my dreams. All kidding aside, sleep tight, babe; I’ll see you very soon.”
98) “I was just listening to our song and wishing you could be here with me. It’s not the same without you. See you soon, my love, and sweet dreams.”Enjoy these sexy good-night text messages, my love.
99) “I’m looking at the stars tonight and watching as the moon shines, but nothing can compare to the sight of you. I’m so lucky to have you. Sleep tight!”
100) “Every day you give me another reason to love you. Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore, you proved me wrong. I love you, my sweet soul!”
Sexy Good Night Messages Meamt for Soon-to-Be Couples:
101) “It’s freezing tonight. I wish I could warm up next to your beautiful body!”
102) “Texting you goodnight is my favorite thing to do… other than being with you and telling you in person. But you already know that. I can’t wait to see you! Love you.”
103) ”I know neither of us is happy being away from each other. But still, I wish you a good night’s sleep because tomorrow we will be together and will have a full day to cherish our love and fulfill our dreams. Good night, my love.”
104) “Good night and sweet dreams, but your dreams cannot be sweeter than mine because I dream about the sweetest thing—you.”
105) “I call you my king because you made me a queen in this lovely paradise of ours, and I’m glad you are mine. Good night, my king!”sexy good-night text messages.
106) “I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart tonight, so I just wanted to let you know you’ll be the main protagonist of my dreams tonight. Sweet dreams, “
[107] “Sweet dreams, my love!! I get the sugary shivers down my spine whenever I think about how you’re mine, and I’m yours.”
108) “Lose your eyes and picture me, as I am doing the same. That way, it’s like we’re falling asleep next to each other. I miss you, my love.”
109) “I’m Feeling Really Adventurous Tonight. Wish You Were Here! Goodnight Sexy. Tomorrow Is A Clean Slate, A New Beginning, and a fresh start. Sleep Well, My Love.”
110) “You’re my heartthrob and a day with you is always amazing and filled with unforgettable moments. Goodnight to you, my princess.”
111) “You are always in my thoughts, especially at night. Sweet dreams.”
Seductive, Sexy, and Romantic Good Night Messages to Lovers:
112 ” Just thought you should know you’re my favorite dirty thought… nite nite!”
113) “I can’t wait until I am asleep so that I can think about you. Good night, honey!”
114) “ Sending you hugs and kisses. Good night, my love
115) “I appreciate how you make me feel special, especially when you are in my arms. Sweet dreams, luv.“
116) “Babe, if you were here with me right now, I would rip off your clothes and do insane things to our body. But you’re not so. Sleep tight!“
117) “Remember that you are always in my thoughts, especially tonight. Peaceful dreams, darling.”
118) “It’s so hard being away from you, but I am looking forward to seeing you soon, Good night, love.”
119) “My love is laughing in the rain. It is nice and gentle. It’s then that I’ll know we’re mere moments from being together again. Sweet dreams.”
120) “Whenever I reminisce about you, my heart is always filled with bliss and gratitude. Thanks for everything and I love you more. Goodnight and sweet dreams, dear.”
Hot Good Night Messages for a Girlfriend:
121) “Here is the best collection of sweet and romantic love messages you can send to your girlfriend this night. Good night and sweet dreams messages for her, Good night, my love messages for her from the heart. The sweetest of a hot good-night girlfriend.”
122) ” As you go to bed tonight, I want you to know that I will be here dreaming about you all night long. Goodnight to you, my darling girlfriend.”
123) “My girl, I am sending you lots of hugs, A blow of kisses, cuddles, and more, Just to show that I love you so much, Just to show that I am missing your touch I love you, Wish you a lovely night!”
124) “Here’s to you having a wonderful night’s rest and sweet dreams. I love you so much, damsel. Goodnight to you, girlfriend.”
125) “Skin to skin—that is how our nights should be. Perhaps, soon? Good night, my dear.”
126) “I brushed my teeth and got in bed. Fun fact: toothbrushes make for great deep throating practice.”
127) “Sweet dreams and beautiful good-night sleep are my heartfelt wishes for you tonight and always. Good night, my beautiful girlfriend.”
128) “Sweetheart! I cannot wait any longer to be in your arms. My wish will come true one day when we wake up together in the morning. Till then, good night!”
129) “I wish I could be with you as you lay down your head to sleep. I miss you so much, and I love you beyond words. Goodnight, my love.”
130) “My life will become complete when every night ends with us cuddling together. May your dreams be wonderful, dear. I love you so much. I hope you are having the best sleep tonight. I’m feeling so happy thinking that tomorrow will be a new day in my life with you still in it. Good night, my love!”
131) “I miss brushing my teeth by your side, reading next to each other, and holding you as I fall asleep. You make the little things exciting. Good night, sleep tight.”
132) “As I get ready for bed, I keep getting distracted by how grateful I am to have you. I just wanted to let you know that. Sweet dreams, lovely.”
133) “I hope your day was as beautiful as you are. I hope your dreams are as peaceful as I feel knowing I have you in my life. I love you.”
134) “You are the best girlfriend that anyone could ever dream of. Sometimes, I think I must be dreaming because you are so perfect.”
135) “Even when we are apart, I’m never without you. Sleep well, my darling.”
136) ” You have graced me with more joy than I could have ever hoped for. I am so lucky to know you. Sleep tight. I love you always.”
137) “My darling, before I go to sleep, I wanted to say that I love you so much. Even when we are apart, you should never go to bed without knowing how loved you are.”
138) “It’s so rare to find someone as generous, gorgeous, and smart as you. Goodnight, sleep tight.”sexy good-night text messages
139) “Tonight was the most fun I’ve had in forever. I’m going to be thinking about it until I see you again. Have a good night, and sleep well!”
140) “Whenever I feel far from you, I look out of my window and remember we are standing under the same moon and stars. Good night, I love you.”
Special Flirty Good Night text Messages And Wishes
141) “At this moment, there are over a billion people sleeping or just waking up to start their day. Amazingly, the only person that I think about at night is you. I hope you dream of love and happiness.”
142) “My world stops when you go to bed and it rises again every morning when you please me with your smile. Good night, my sweetheart.”
143) “It is senseless to wish you a good night because you won’t have it, as I am not with you tonight, so at least, sleep tight, darling. Muah.”
144) “You will have a hard day tomorrow; lie down to rest. I am always with you, even if I am not with you physically, but in my mind—permanently. Sweet dreams.”
145) “I want to talk but I keep dropping my phone on my face. I’ll talk to you in the morning; good night, dude!”Sexy good-night text messages.
146) “Don’t keep your drums in your eyes; it may fall down as tears, but keep it in your heart so that every heartbeat reminds u about it!!! gud nite….”
147) “The Best Bridge between despair and hope is a goodnight’s sleep.”
148) “I know that every nightmare is free from my mind when I go to bed at night. The thought of you can bring me nothing but heavenly dreams.”
149) “Night is Silent, Night is Beautiful, Night is Calm, and night is Quiet. But Night is not complete Without Wishing you Good night. Sweet dreams!
150) “One, two, three Set free from worry and see moonlight N galaxy Feel sweet, dreamy Ecstasy Have dreams very lovely.”
151) “Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight, Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight. But don’t make it a habit because I am not free every night. Goodnight
152) “A late-night message doesn’t mean that I am disturbing you. It means I am missing you so much. Love u. Good night.”
153) “MOON has come to color your dreams, STARS to make them musical and my SMS to give you warm and Peaceful Sleep. Good Nite…Sweet Dreams..!”
154) “Don’t think that Someone else is more blessed than you are; it’s just that We are blessed in DIFFERENT Ways. GOOD night! Have sweet dreams!”
155) “It’s night and the whole world is sleeping but my caring heart is thinking about you. Good Night!!”
156) “GOD never takes a day off to love care for, guide, and protect us in every moment of our lives may his presence be with you today and always. GOOD Night.”
157) “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight! No matter how tough the world may seem, you still deserve the sweetest of dreams. . Good Night!!”
158) “Calmness and excitement dancing in a fight, All the city lights are watching in a lovely way, I am thinking of you and I want to wish you a good night, Sleep well and prepare for a new amazing day!”
159) “The Sweetest Relation In The World Is A Pillow Because When You Are Tired, You Relax On It.” When you are sad, drop tears. If you’re angry, punch it. & Wen U R Happy U Hug It Now That Pillow Is Waiting for 4 U.So go to bed, Lovely Nite..;-:-* Lovable Dreamzzz. — Sexy good-night text messages.
Freaky Good Night Text Messages For Her When You Miss Her Badly:
160) This little note is coming from my heart and it is just to let you know that am thinking about you now. Good night, my love.
162) I just can’t pretend anymore; I miss having you around me tonight and I can’t wait to be there with you again. I love you.
163) Tears on my pillow, pains in my heart and it is because I have never been away from you for this long. Thank God I will be home soon. My love, Song, sends sexy good-night text messages.
164) Let me tell you how I feel tonight. My bed is always softer and more romantic when you are on it. You are the best, babe.
165) I just can’t focus on anything else tonight and this is because you occupy the greater part of my heart. Goodnight, my sexy.
166)” Good night, my love. I’ll be thinking of you while I drift asleep tonight.”
167) I must confess that I always feel like a better person when am with you. I love how you make me feel tonight. You captured my heart. Sleep well, dear. Sexy good-night text messages for you.
168) “I live for the day that my dream will come true and I will wake up next to you. Sweet dreams until then, my love!
169) ” Enjoy sweet memories of our day as peaceful slumber overtakes you and fills you with a well-earned rest. Sexy good-night text messages.
170) “May the lullabies of a hundred angels’ wings comfort you and keep you as you drift off to sleep. Good night, my Princess.”
171)” Relax and unwind, may your dreams be kind, and know as you sleep that you’re on my mind. Tonight and always. Sleep tight, my love.”
172) “Our love is an open field where dreams run free like wild horses, and because of you, my life is complete. May your dreams be spirited. Sleep tight, my Love.”
173) “I feel so lucky to wish goodnight to the prettiest girl in this world. I love you loads. Good night, dear.”
174) “I hope the dream Fairy waves her wand and drops lovely dreams into your mind. Sweet dreams, my Love.”
175) “I am the luckiest guy ever and when I know you’re sleeping, I often can’t fall asleep myself because I can’t get you out of my mind. Good night, my love—sexy good night text messages.
You are all I want to be with.
176) “I could stay up all night thinking of you, but here’s to hoping I find you in my dreams. Good night, love.”
177) “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep; all the good times are yours to keep. Have a wonderful slumber.”
178) “Every day I spend with you is the new best day of my life; sleep well and have sweet dreams.”
179) I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, awaiting the moment I hear from you in the morning. Good night.best sexy good-night text messages for you.
180) “In sleep, we are separated, my dear, but I promise all my dreams will be of you until I see you again. Goodnight, my sweetheart.” I love you
181) “The most splendid thing in this world is your eyes when you take a glance at me. I would prefer not to see stars scattered in the night sky if I could look into your eyes endlessly. Goodnight, my sweetheart.”
182) “I have a ton of fun simply being companions with you. Envision being more than that. I long for the day I may, at last, get the chance to hold you in my arms and give you a good-night kiss. For the time being, I wish you to sleep tight.
183) “I hope that you are comfy and cozy in bed, ready for a wonderful night’s sleep and awake feeling so rested. I look forward to hearing your voice in the morning. Goodnight.”
184) “I simply needed you to realize that I become more infatuated with you with every minute the clock counts. As I send this message, I am falling in love with you once more. Sleep tight, my sweetheart.”
185) “Hope you are ending your day with a positive thought and a grateful heart. Have a wonderful night’s sleep.”
186) “I am so lucky to have such a great family to feel thankful for every night before I fall asleep. Good night, I love you.”
187) “Hope you are tucked in nice and tight. See you in my dreams, my love.”
188) “My love! I want to be in your arms so badly. My wish will become a reality one day when we wake up together to greet a new day. I look forward to this day! Good night, sweetheart.” sexy good-night text messages from my heart
189) “You are the one for me; I simply know it. For what other reasons do I think about you from the minute I wake up to the minute I drift off? Have a decent night, sweet young lady. I love you.”
Most Adorable Nights With Her:
190) “Occasionally, I might be distant from everyone else, perhaps languid, yet that cannot limit me from sending you stunning texts, my love! I will continue doing this until the night I hold you in my arms. Sweet dreams.”
191) “Human beings can live without water and sleep for a few days, but I can’t live without you even for a day. Good night, cutie.”
192) ” At long last, the night has descended, and it is the point at which I’m lying on the bed and missing you. I am asking God to send you the sweetest dreams. Sleep tight, love of my life.”
193) “I believe that things will work out for us sometime in the near future. I believe I will find the opportunity to kiss you goodnight and greet a new day with you every morning. While I believe that that day will come, I wish you a decent night’s rest.” Sexy good-night text messages for her.
194) “The last place my mind goes before I go to sleep is in you. No one else can capture my mind like you do. Sleep well, my love; here are my sexy good-night text messages for you.
195) “Just as the earth is bound to rotate around the sun, I am bound to be with you until the end of time. Miss you. Sleep well, dear.”
196) “Next time, I will accept to climb the high mountain rather than be without you in bed. I miss you dearly. Good night.
197) Roses are red, and violence is blue. What I want you to know now is that I missed having you here with me. Sleep well, my dear.
198) The house is not a home, and this bed is no longer the bed I used to know because you are not here tonight. You are the best, baby. Goodnight.
199) “I hope you are tucked in nice and tight. See you in my dreams, my love.”
200) “I wish I were your cushion so that throughout the night I could kiss your pretty face. Sweet dreams.
201) “Count the stars, count sheep, count your blessings, and count on me to love you forever.”
202) “Tomorrow is a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh start. Sleep well, my love.”
203) “Close your eyes, clear your mind, and listen closely as the stars climb the night sky to hang above your restful sleep. Good night, my love.
204) “As the stars keep vigil, may the moon guide you to the land of sweet dreams with its beautiful radiance.”sexy good-night text messages.
205) “This space is left for you to add your best good-night quote. I would love to hear from you.
Final Thought:
Use these sexy good-night text messages to make the best night wishes to your spouse. They will be glad to have you as their spouse.
Which of the messages do you like best? Do you have any sexy good-night messages you have used that worked best for you? Share with us using the comment box.
LOL Really loved the article, such an informative message, very much helpful for committed one
I really enjoyed this platform