It is possible to make your wife a priority no matter how busy you are. Your only setback is that you are not sure how to do that, but I will show you how to make your wife a priority in this article.
This topic should be of utmost importance to you because making your wife a priority is one of the ways to make your marriage succeed big time. In as much as you and your wife have your unique roles in marriage, but there are those you must give priority to so things can work properly.
Your wife is such a person that deserves to be priced higher in your relationship because she is almost the bedrock of your marriage.
I know that a lot of us neglect the roles of a woman in the marriage, but when you consider the adage that says that there is a woman behind every man’s success, then you will understand the importance of women.
The roles of a wife are undoubtedly enormous and they can make or break your marriage. An old American phrase says ” If Moma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” That is a very funny phrase, but it connotes so many things.
When you look at the families, it will done on you that almost every member of the family is looking up to the mum/wife to keep the family “Organized and functioning” as it should.
By now, you would have even noticed that whenever your wife is happy, she tends to bring out her best for your family. At least for this sole reason, you should make your wife a priority from this moment.
If you are still not sure of how to make your wife a priority then follow the steps below.
One of the ways to make your wife a priority in your life and marriage is to always be home on time; being home on time shows her that you don’t enjoy being away from her for a long time.
Don’t be like men who enjoy hanging out with friends than going home. Even if your home is not conducive, or not comfortable for you, running away from your home won’t make it better.
And nobody will make your home better than you. Therefore going home on time will give you time to have good communication with your wife about the ways forward. Again, your wife will know that you love her more than your job, business, and even your friends outside.
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Another good way to make your wife a priority is to find out the reasons why she is doubting her position in your life. This is a very crucial matter. Have you ever heard your wife complaining that you don’t give her attention or care about her need?
Probably, you go out early and come home late, without calling or texting her, or even while at home, you prefer to be on your computer or you are pressing your phone.
Whatever it may be, it means so much that you understand how your wife feels about that. What is it that can make your wife feel that her position in your life has been taken over?
Find those things out today and try to remove them. I am not asking you to quit your job or dump your immediate family members, but let your wife be the number one and every other thing should come later.
Can you read your wife’s body language? Can you tell what makes her happy or sad? If you can’t, then you should try to find them out, because that is just the sign that shows you how she is feeling and what are on her mind. They are the “demonstrated action” that ignites her fire.
When you observe and take note of those things in a certain situation, then you can understand your wife’s words, emotions, as well as her level of connection with you.
Find them out from today and follow the Flow, it could be helping her do the dishes, laundry, house chores, receiving small gifts from you. Etc.
This is important if you care to make your wife a priority. But what does it mean to be present to your wife? Being present represents two things in marriage. One it means being physically present and emotionally present.
Being physically present means being there for your partner when you are needed. Many of us are so busy to be available, even when where are there at home together, we are so busy with our gadgets.
Your partner expects you to come back from work and give them the best of you, and not your weary and tired self. The second type of being present is about being emotionally present.
Being emotionally present involved doing all you can to make your wife understand that she is protected, and safe marrying you. It is your job to make your marriage successful, and like I said earlier, your wife’s happiness and joy depend on you.
If you know what your wife likes, what makes her smile, then you have a good tool to make your wife your priority. Everybody likes it when someone pays attention to what we like, and your wife is one of them.
Your wife will be happy if she finds out that you know what she likes, and give attention to that. Let me give you some examples.
One day, I was driving around the town with my wife and she saw a set of furniture at a furniture shop, and the way she smiled told me she liked it; she was so happy to see the same thing brought home for her.
Now, if you don’t have money to do something as bogus as that, then what about getting those flowers, snacks, or anything you know she likes. Even if you don’t know what she likes, you can ask her. Just be sure that you make her smile because you brought home what she loves.
You heard that right! Giving attention to your wife will make her feel important and loved. It is not about being romantic but about knowing when your wife needs a listening ear or knowing when she is happy or not.
Most times, we are too busy to listen to what our spouse is saying without distraction. If you want to make your wife a priority, you must learn to give her your full attention during your conversation with her.
Below are a few things to do-
Your wife will be happy when you celebrate her special days like birthdays, graduation days, your wedding anniversaries. Don’t forget it for anything, instead write it anywhere you’ll always see.
It is always easy to slip into a “complacency routine” after many years in marriage. You may forget to do those things that bring happiness to your marriage.
Meanwhile, if you want to keep romance alive in your family, then dating your wife again is the way to go. Your relationship will be fresh again when you learn to date again.
Dating your wife should be a continuous thing and not occasional, and you don’t have to make it elaborate or break a bank to do so. One two hours is enough say a marriage therapist.
Stop reading this post until you take your wife out today, and then tell me how she feels afterward.
In this post, you will learn the steps you should take to make your wife a priority. Most of the steps listed here are not so common and the 5th point will make you laugh. However, it will take you time. With consistent action, you will gradually see changes.
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