Get Married Prepared: 11 Amazing Steps To Take Now

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Get married prepared

Finally, you have made up your mind to get married. I congratulate you on that. Now, you are about to take a journey into another exciting life adventure, and you want to get married prepared.

You are about to make the greatest investment of your life, and you will not want to make mistakes; you want to be sure that you have all it takes to make your marriage rewarding and successful. That’s why you are reading this post.

Don’t worry about that, I am here to help you. In this article, I will show you some actionable steps to get married prepared.

Why Is It Necessary To Get Married Prepared?

Why Is It Necessary to Get Married Prepared? Marriage is not child’s play. It is one of the most significant commitments you can make, so you must enter it prepared so you can withstand the unnecessary struggles that could appear later as your marriage matures.

Below are a few key reasons to get married prepared.

– To Understanding Your Expectations and Roles:

Marriage usually comes with dreams, expectations, and shared responsibilities; that’s why you must be prepared before going into that. When you get married prepared you know you have clarified all your expectations as well as understand your roles in the relationship.

Therefore, whether it’s the household duties, parenting, or planning your finances, being prepared before marriage reduces misunderstanding and brings unity.

– Helps You Build Strong Emotional and Mental Resilience:

No marriage is smooth sailing as I write this post; it’s only preparation that will help you develop the ability and the skills you need to handle your challenges, such as financial strain, external stressors,s, and conflicts.

Additionally, having a pre-marital counseling session or reflecting personally on marriage can help you learn how you can navigate emotional triggers and block all strains on your marriage.

– To Sharpen Your Communication Skills:

Communication is very a vital foundation of every successful relationship. To get married prepared is all about learning all the things that will help you have a successful marriage, including how to express your needs and resolve your conflicts effectively.

Poor communication or lack of communication can lead to resentment and quarrels, but when you are prepared, you will have all the tools you need to create understanding and a good connection with your partner.

– So You Can Aligning Your Values and Long-Term Goals:

Marriage is the coming together of two people with different potentials, backgrounds, and values. Preparing yourself before going into marriage allows you to discuss those dreams and aspirations and align your priorities too.

Whether it is about your religion, finances, or parenting plan, getting these values aligned will create a sense of unity and reduce disagreements in the future; that is why it is important to get married prepared.

– Reduce The Risk Of Divorce:

According to marriage experts, couples who are prepared before going into marriage through counseling or education are less likely to divorce. Preparation equips you with all the tools you need to handle common marital challenges.

The reason to get married prepared is to lay the foundation for a strong relationship. It helps you and your partner to build trust, understand each other deeply, and align your expectations to fit your marriage.

Step By Step On How To Get Married Prepared:

How to get married prepared.

1) Don’t Be Afraid.

It is a known fact that marriage is not such an easy task and it requires that you devote more time and commitment to make it work. Knowing how to make your relationship work well could be the best decision you can make. At least you will know what to do when the time comes.

To achieve all you want in your marriage, you must remove all fears and face the marriage squarely. The discouragement will come; you may wish you never married in the first place; that’s all part of marriage. No marriage is 100% free of troubles; you only have to keep nurturing it until things become better. Remove fear of the unknown from your mind. You will succeed.

2. Understand what you want:

When getting married, you are committing to live and build a life with someone that’s not a blood relation and it’s for better and for worse and for your lifetime. In that case, you should make sure you know exactly what you want in marriage before you take such steps, otherwise, you’ll blame yourself when. The time comes.

Part of the ways of ensuring that you do not regret in the future is to clearly understand how to make your marriage strong, and how it can last the test of time lies. In understanding what and who you are getting committed to. In other words, if you want to prevent some hiccups in your journey, take your time to meditate on the steps you want to take.

Here’s What to Do;

  • What are your intentions for marriage:
    What are your reasons for getting married? Probably there’s pressure from family and friends or because your friends are getting married fast.
  • What are your goals: What are your goals for your marriage? Funny enough, people have different goals for their relationship.But you must have realistic goals for your Marriage in other to succeed.
  • Pre-marriage meeting with your prospect: The date you would be a partner before marriage, so you know if you are compatible with each other.

2. Attend Marriage Classes:

If you want to get married prepared, then you can choose to attend some marriage classes. Many churches and communities offer free marriage training for both the married and the singles. There, you will learn some skills to succeed in your relationship.

You should not wait until you marry or have problems attending the class, learning all before going into it. Marriage will help you not to repeat many of the pitfalls many couples see in their marriage. You can also see a marriage counselor, they will. Guide you through what marriage is or is not.

3) Read Marriage Help Materials:

There are many great materials like – video, audio, kindled, and books out there on marriage that can help you understand what you are about to do.
Read them now, and it will help you get married prepared and fast. Don’t wait till you run into challenges to read.

Here is a list of some interesting books on marriage.

1. What husbands can’t resist?

2. 101 Award-winning proposal ideas.

3. Reignite The Spark.

4). Personal Growths Will Pay:

Look inward and observe where you need personal maturity and work on them because marriage is not for babes.

Check this out:

• If you are shot-tempered, then try to work on it. E.g. Be slow in judging people and have respect for people also.
• If you know that you are someone irrational during arguments, then you will need to grow up too.
• Work on your bad behaviors for a change.
• Take good care of yourself; you have to love yourself before others will love you, too.
• Learn new skills. If you don’t know how to cook, then learn it, learn communication skills, and make necessary improvements where needed.

5) Solve your unresolved childhood issues:-
There’s a need to take care of all your old baggage, those unresolved childhood issues. Those childhood issues can jeopardize and sink. Your relationship.
Your unresolved issues are those issues you need to tackle before you marry.

Maybe you are living like your parents were in their marriage, your past relationship or so many other things that bothered you in the past can also pose some problems for you.

If you wish to get married prepared then you don’t need them as you go into your next relationship. Let them go now.

6). Have relationships and Date:

Although so many people believe in dating one person at a time, experts say that it could be beneficial to you to date many if you want to know who is right or wrong for you.

Here is how Fran Walfish a couple and family psychotherapist, puts it agrees, “having good numbers of relationship experience and baselines of comparison give you some point of reference when it comes to your future spouse”.
In other words, have dates and relationships to gain more experiences or what it is all about.

7). Learn From Your  Past Relationship Mistakes:

If you had relationships in the past that didn’t succeed, then it’s time you look to know what went wrong. Where did you make the mistakes that cost you your marriage? Is there a thing you didn’t do better or you overdid or neglected?
Those are the important questions to ask yourself.

When you find the answers, think of what you can do to make your new relationships better.

8) Spend Time With Your Parents:

If your parents are still alive, then this is the best time to spend quality time with them pay good attention to some of their advice, and get their blessings too.
Whatever advice you will get from them will help you achieve your dreams in life.

9) Be financially Sound:

If you spend so much now as a single, then you should make plans to change, as you are getting married soon. If you have some outstanding debts, then plan to settle them before the time of marriage and cultivate the habit of saving.
Plan to invest also.

These things will make you financially okay and relaxed when the time comes. Finally, take your time to do the necessary things that will help you have the type of marriage you desire. No one can do them for you unless you. And when you get married prepared, you will see the joy of marriage, because your partner will also bring his/ her best.

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