Categories: Marriage

5 Relationship tips for couples: Be happy once Again.

Check out these relationship tips for couples. You need to pay close attention to these tips, so you can learn how to be happy again in your relationship.

Whether you like it or not, many things will make you unhappy in your relationship; there will be times you’ll feel like quitting your relationship. The truth is that if you know what those things are on time, you will stir clear from them, or even fix them immediately before they overwhelm your relationship or sniff joy out of you. But if you don’t, get ready for the tough situation that is coming, you will have yourself to blame.

But, I have good news for you. I won’t bet that happen to you, that’s why I wrote these relationship tips for couples to help you learn what those impending marriage threats are, how to deal with them, and how to be happy again in your relationship.

Who is this post for? These relationship tips are for those couples that have felt neglected, abused, couples that at picking on each other always, finding faults always, your relationship is not working and all these things have sniffed happiness out from your life.

Well, all those mentioned relationship troubles have their solutions, and may I tell you that they are not peculiar to your relationship alone. So many people are having challenges that are more than that in their relationships and they are still standng.

Their only secret is that they found a way to keep themselves happy no matter what. Today, you will also learn how to be happy again in your relationship. You won’t seek how to quit your relationship again after reading this post.

What are the relationship tips for coiples?

Let’s look at them now.

Relationship tips for couples: How to be happy Again.

1) Identify What The Problems Are:-

Your first step in becoming happy again in your relationship is to Identify what is making you unhappy. Once you identify what they are, half of your problems are gone.

It is called the rook cause analysis (RCA). When you are sick and go to the hospital for treatment, the Dr will check the cause of the sickness through the symptoms you mentioned, then the doctor will prescribe drugs for you. If you treat any matter from the surface, you will do so again and again and it will not go.

However, when you look deep into the origin of the problems, you will be able to fix the underlying causes and then the problems will go.

The root cause analysis will help you identify three things

  • Find out what happened.
  • You will understand why it happened.
  • Determine what you will do next to stop it from happening again. That’s what you will learn in these relationship tips for couples.

Most common reasons for unhappiness in marriage:-

  • Abuse.
  • Infidelity.
  • Poor or lack of communication.
  • Jealousy.
  • Incessant fighting.
  • Lack of intimacy.

Read about all the common marriage problems here.

Take Action:-

At this point, you would have found the chief causes of problems in your marriage, your next t step should be to take action immediately. What did you find out? Who is responsible for the problems? How did you contribute to the matters at hand?

According to the experts, there are about 2 basic types of causes.

  • It is either physically caused.
  • Human caused.

No matter what the causes are that you discovered, things won’t change if you don’t go a step further to solve the problems. Just start doing whatever you feel will take you closer to the solutions you desire. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

What actions would you take now to be happy again?

Relationship tips for couples: Be happy once Again.

2) Learn To Be Grateful:-

 “Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”

—William Faulkner.

Being grateful to your spouse and marriage is the best daily practice every couple must adopt in their relations. It is very important when you want to nurture your marriage.

Gratitude is a good indicator that you and your partner are satisfied with your relationship. The study conducted many years ago, proved that if one partner feels so grateful about the relationship and the partner, the partner will also feel a sense of marital satisfaction. Source.

The truth is that being positive in your relationship will also bring positive results too: so why not concentrate on being grateful always. Now, I want you to see being grateful beyond saying “thank you when he does something to you; it also means appreciating who your partner is also.

It is also about remembering all your partner’s good traits and relating them to why you entered the relationship in the first place. If you haven’t been doing that lately, I implore you to start today.

The changes will eventually come to you.

3) Focus On You For Now:-

There is a tendency that your focus is only on how to make your relationship successful as well as how to be the best for your spouse that you forgot about yourself.

You will be happier if you will forget certain things and concentrate on yourself; I didn’t mean forgetting to take care of your partner and their need, I mean you should concentrate on making yourself happy first before anything else.

Shamyra Howard-Blackburn, who is a relationship and sex therapist has advised that you should practice “self-care.”

What does that mean? It means taking good care of yourself first. It is important to evaluate yourself and be sure you’ve not been neglecting your body and soul. These two things are important in life and if you must be happy, then you won’t neglect them.

That’s why the number one in my list of marriage tips for couples is always to admonish them to take care of themselves. Try those things that will bring joy and happiness to you. Buy new things for yourself, eat wisely, exercise often and learn new things.

The moment people notice that you are on your best self, they will be happy to relate with you too.”Love is contagious.”

4) Make Up Your Mind To Be Happy:-

Happiness is a choice – not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy until you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.

Ralph Marston.

Another way you can be happy again is to just choose to be happy. “happiness they say is a choice.” You can’t be happy if you don’t choose it. Experts said that for every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness. So be happy.

Don’t let people or circumstances determine your happiness. Do whatever you think will bring you joy. That been said, may I also tell you that choosing to be happy doesn’t mean you can’t get sad at all; it means you refused to be sad because you chose happiness.

Once you become happy, every other thing around you changes to suit the atmosphere.

5) Keep Good Friends:-

One of the two basic types of causes for unhappiness is humans. The people you relate with outside your home may be the cause of your unhappiness. The type of friend you keep can also influence your mood.

For example, your bad friends can feed you with lies that will make you unhappy with your spouse or marriage. Therefore choose your friends wisely; avoid those that will mislead you and make friends with those who will influence you positively.

6) Learn To Communicate Clearly:-

Another way to be happy is to communicate your needs clearly to your spouse. You may be angry that your needs we’re not met, without knowing that you didn’t communicate your need effectively to your partner.

Secondly, don’t assume your partner can read your mind to know what you want. When you are open, your needs will be met, and happiness will return to you. Again, choose your words well when you are conversing with your partner. Never use blaming words.

The ways you convey your mind to your partner will determine how he/she will understand you. If you are not sure how to communicate effectively, then try an improve on it.

7) Spen Time Together:-

Spending time together will help you get back your happiness. Spending time will help you to appreciate each other, it will also build a bond between the two of you.

As you are spending time, try to make it memorable; do many things together like dancing telling stories, and reading. Retrospect on those things that brought you together in the first place.

Keep anything that can distract you away to enable you to enjoy yourselves. The more you understand each other, the better you become happy and that can only be achieved when you spend time.

In Conclusion:-

I hope these relationship tips for couples will help you get back your happiness. Don’t negotiate your happiness with anyone and don’t let anything determine your happiness.

Even if it entails taking a trip to the moon to be happy, do so. It may take some time to happen, but it will happen anyway. At last, you’ll be happy that you are happy. And your relationship will be happy too.


  • AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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