
Married life: 10 Simplified Ways To Enjoy Your Marriage

Do you really want to know how to have a fabulous married life? If yes, then get ready, because, in this post, I will show you how you can be happy always in your marriage.

Truth about marriage:

The truth about marriage is that it usually begins with a big celebration.
Every one of the couples, family, and friends is so full of hope with positive dreams about what gifts to give to the couple and almost forgot to think of what the future of the married couple would be like.

But. having a fabulous married life is not in the celebration or the gifts. There are so many things that are required of couples if they want to enjoy marital bliss. And so it doesn’t matter if you are a newlywed or ‘old Ball ‘n’ Chain; understand that every marriage has its inevitable ups and downs.

Just like everything else in life, marriage also requires work; however, the type of work done in marriage is different from throwing the trash or fetching water up a hill; it is usually the little fun things we do every day that make up have good married life, not rocket science!

What are those little things?


1) Always think the best for your relationship:

Success comes from the mind. In Proverb 23:7. The Bible made it clear that “as a man thinks, so is he.”. It’s clearly telling us that our lives reflect what we think in our minds.

That means you’ll only have a successful marital life if you believe so, because, when your mind thinks well, the nervous system relates it to the other parts of the body, which starts moving towards achieving the goals.

Simply put, remove every negative thought whatsoever from your mind.
Only dream of things that will bring success to your family.

That’s when you’ll have it.

2) Be independent:

Being Independent is ‘extremely important’ in a marriage. To be happy and have a tremendous married life begins with being happy with ourselves.

Having that in mind, you should do whatever it takes to be happy. Do those things that make you happy, give yourself a treat and have some quality alone time.

The alone time not only helps us to reunite with our inner man, but it also gives us the opportunity to establish ourselves and check how far we are making progress with our goals and dreams.

Seeking times apart can enhance the quality of your relationship with your partner because when you have more time for yourself, you will be able to understand who you actually are as well as your desires in life and you could also make good choices on how to have a quality relationship with your spouse.

You may appreciate your relationship better after that because absence, they say, makes a heart grow fonder.

3) “Give priority to your spouse:

Good married life also comes from making your spouse know that they are the first in your life. It works better when you realize it is not about you but about your partner. Although you shouldn’t make your life revolve absolutely around your spouse,

But always remember the fact that in the beginning, when you and your spouse choose to get married, you chose to make your partner your priority. Things will work better when you remember those decisions and honor them too.

Not only that, but you should also be able to do those things that are best for your marriage as well as your partner. Always be your partner’s best friend, and don’t take-side against your partner with your family and friends when they are not getting along with your spouse, even when you think your spouse is at fault.

Your partner’s feelings should be paramount to you all the time if you want a happy married life, so be sure to give all your support and love he or she needs.

4) Have and always maintain realistic expectations for your marriage:

If you want to have a happy married life, then you must not forget that every day will not be a sweet day for both of you. I am not trying to frighten you or make you feel like marriage is not worth going into. “No.” Am only preparing your mind to the little but interesting struggles you will face as the day goes by.

There are days you’ll feel like quitting and days of midnight crying.

It’s absolutely normal when things didn’t work as you think.

The most important thing is that you and your partner embrace the challenges and stand firm to make things work perfectly again. If you think your relationship will be rosy and blissful all the time, then you’re only going in for a big fall, and it may be disappointing for you.

Always understand that your partner is a human being and has flaws just as you do too, and so if you expect him/her to be perfect, then you will be disappointed.

If your partner is having some flaws that are making you mad sometimes, then have an open conversation; he/she may not know how you feel about it, but the conversation can change things and make your partner better than before.

4) Maintain your marriage more than you do your car:

It’s not supposed to be the other way around, but many couples don’t try repairing their marriage until things goes out of hand. You must work to repair it if you are keen on having better married life experiences.

Whenever you notice that things are not going the way they should, take immediate action to rectify it.

You know the type of energy you put into your car at least so that you are sure it will not break down on the road—you put fuel in it so it doesn’t stop and destroy the carburetor, you add oil so the engine will not freeze and if you don’t put water in the radiator, your car will overheat and destroy the top cylinder, The same energy is needed to have a fabulous married life.

5. Practice open communication:

Open, frank communication is the base of a marriage that remains successful over the years. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns regularly with your partner. Non-judgmental listening will create an atmosphere where the feelings of both are considered safe to be expressed.

Not just problems but also share your dreams, desires, or even day-to-day musings. Transparency can prevent misunderstandings from cropping up; hence, trust can be built. It strengthens over time your emotional rapport, ensuring both partners’ feelings are listened to and understood.

Regular and open communication also allows the problems to be addressed at the initial stage before they grow to be big ones, hence yielding a better and healthier relationship. Remember, you want to have a good married life.

6. Support each other’s growth:

Supporting each other in all things is a good step to a good married life. This is a very important ingredient in a good marriage-letting your partner grow as a human being and professionally. It is far much better to celebrate their accomplishments and help them pursue their goals in life, be it at work, hobbies, or personal development.

As both of them grow, they bring about new energy within the relationship. This also prevents stagnation and the feeling of fulfillment in people. To know that your partner’s success is your success only deepens the bond, building a structure from which both will be successful together. The marriage of individual awakened development forms collective happiness and longevity.

7. Appreciate more often:

Appreciating one another in the marriage day in day out can keep the spark alive. Sometimes, those little things mean a lot and it a good tool to help have a good married life. Acknowledge a home-cooked meal or just thank them for supporting one or even leaving behind a sweet note.

Appreciating reminds your partner that he or she valued and respected. These things, over time, build a climate of appreciation. Appreciation motivates both partners in continuous service for the relationship. Make it a point to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s contributions; a simple thank you will start a cycle of love, gratitude, and mutual respect that fortifies your marriage.


Finally, having a happy married life is not rocket science; it’s much easier than you think. All you need to do is make up your mind on the type of marriage you want to have and then put your mind to achieving it.

You can as well write down on a notepad things you should do to get the best with your partner and from your marriage. Let all of you think, “what should I do to make my marriage, my partner and my family happy.

In the end, you will be happy ever after. And you will not have any need to feel lonely or criticize each other.

I am still your in-house counselor, Murphyaik.

See you at the other side of life (success)

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AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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