If you desire to make your marriage successful, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to achieve it, you don’t even need to strive so much also, but, here are little things that will change your marriage. So many couples have forgotten about those little things they used to do in the early days of their marriage, and that’s why there are so many broken relationships now.
John Wooden said in his quote “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” That simply means you don’t wait until you buy a car for your partner before your relationship will become strong.
I bet if you should try doing these little things I will share with you in this post, it will change your marriage completely, though you may not see the changes immediately, but, gradually you will start seeing positive changes and you will become so happy you try.
What are they?
QUOTE: Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
Shiv Khera
“Always strive to see good in the thing you see in your marriage. Only a positive mentality can change your marriage” I know it’s hard to do, but constantly reassure yourself that all things are working together for your good, even the failures, and disappointments.
If you continue thinking the way I just explained, sooner or later, you’ll see things becoming reality.
Remember, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
QUOTE: Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
You will agree with me that everyone loves to receive positive attention from someone else and the best way to do that is through appreciation. Appreciating your spouse makes him or her feel good about what they did, and gives them the morale to do much more.
Let’s take for example; if your partner drops the children at the school, fixes the bulb in the toilet, and says thank you. You will see his or her strength increase and it will make a big difference in his or her life and as well increase love in marriage.
” Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart”.
Anthony J. D’Angelo”.
It’s important to smile every time. If you don’t know what a smile does, here is what the experts say about it. Scientists found out that smiling on purpose helps people feel much better. So whenever you make your spouse smile, you are achieving three things at the same time.
Isn’t that what you wanna do?
“God gave me my husband so we could weather the storms of life together.”
Many times I do so many things for my wife, especially when I notice that she has done so much for the day. Don’t be the type that will command your partner to boil water for bathing, or get the food ready for you when almost the two of you are getting home from work at the same time.
You can wash the dishes, boil the water, steam his/her car, and even help in washing the children’s clothes. When you do so, you are not only making things easier for your spouse but you are trying to change your marriage for good.
“ We must complement each other beautifully.
Lailah Gifty Akita.
Many marriages suffer under-appreciation says Bush. I don’t know why, but nowadays partners don’t deem it necessary to complement each other and that makes everyone have a sense of lack and not being taken care of. Make it a point of duty to complement your partner all the time, especially at the end of the day. Ask about how their day was, and compliment each other for going through the stress and coming home again.
Teamwork will help your relationship grow faster. Sometimes in marriage, couples find themselves walking out of sync and negatively against each other. However, no marriage will succeed in that state. Couples should understand the importance of working like close allies.
Allies know how to communicate and protect each other and they also know that one can only chase one thousand, while two can chase two thousand. Couples will achieve more when they see themselves as a 3 legged race where each leg is pulling the other, and not as a competitor. That’s when you will change your marriage from better to the best.
Remember the butterfly feelings you get in those early years of your dating when your fiance’s body touches you. Those feelings are gone now, not because you don’t want them, but because other activities of the day have overshadowed them.
But touch is one of the vital ingredients to a happy relationship, I am not talking about sex but holding and cuddling are all Important to giving your marriage a boost.
8) Prioritize Quality Time Together:
Spending quality time with your partner can change your marriage over time. However, you must note that it’s not about how long you spend together, but how meaningful and quality the time is. Set aside moments when both of you can be together and have deep conversations, date night, or just enjoy yourselves without distractions.
These shared experiences will help boost your marriage and create lasting memories too. As simple as cooking together, a simple walk in the park, or reading your favorite book together, it can reignite intimacy in your marriage. You only have to make that time for each other, even if it’s 15 minutes a day. When you do so, your partner that you are their priority and they will like to reciprocate that love.
9) Communicate Openly and Honestly:
Engaging in clear and honest communication can change your marriage drastically. It is not only about talking, but about listening, understanding, and sharing your concerns without judgment. Learn to express your needs, feelings, and concerns kindly and allow your partner so the same
Open communication will help both of you prevent misunderstanding and resentment from coming into your marriage. As you create space in your marriage where you and your spouse will always feel heard, you have cultivated trust and respect at the same time. Additionally, learn to celebrate your victories, and share your dreams, even as you deal with your challenges. Lastly, be emotionally available for each other.
10) Support Each Other’s Personal Growth:
Another little thing that will change your marriage from better to worse is to be ready to support your partner’s dreams and goals. Whether it is to support her career moves, encourage their new hobby, or show that you care, it will help your marriage become better.
Experts said that partners who feel empowered and supported create a healthier and more balanced relationship, so do all you can to make your partner feel so. For example, celebrate each other’s achievements, offer words of encouragement, and invest in their success. The mutual support you engaged in, will help you build trust and excitement in your marriage.
11) Practice Forgiveness Regularly:
Your partner will always fail you, and you can also fail your partner. However, you should always choose to forgive if you want to change your marriage. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can positively affect your marriage proudly. There’s no relationship without issues, but holding on to grudges will make things worse.
Learning to forgive – whether for bigger annoyances or small misunderstandings will bring healing and build emotional intimacy in your relationship. Note that forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting and deciding to move forward together. As you regularly practice forgiveness, it will bring understanding, peace, and love into your marriage. It will also give you the environment to grow and thrive without the stings of your past mistakes.
Final Thoughts: Little Things Truly Change Your Marriage:
As I conclude this post, may I let you know that it is not the grand gestures that creates lasting bond, but those little and consistent actions you take daily that will change your marriage. Small moments of genuine compliment, supportive teamwork, and appreciation help to build the foundation of a thriving marriage.
By embracing these simple and daily habits I listed here, you will improve your marriage greatly. Remember that a successful marriage doesn’t require perfection, but it thrives on patience, effort, and daily nurturing. I implore you to start applying all these strategies today and over time, you will see your relationship becoming better by the da
I am still your In-house marriage counselor, Murphyaik.
See you at the top.
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