Categories: Marriage

Emotional Cheating In Marriage:15 Causes And Best Solutions

Emotional cheating in marriage is a type of emotional relationship with one partner and another person other than his or her spouse.

Unlike physical cheating, emotional cheating typically involves the sharing of personal thoughts, feelings, and secrets, growing into a bond that can equal or even surpass the level of emotional closeness shared with your spouse.

It is subtler and sometimes harder to catch, but the effects it can have on your marriage are just as fatal as having a physical affair. Knowing what emotional cheating is may be the very first step in recognizing it and then addressing it in your relationship.

In this post, we will learn the causes of emotional infidelity in marriage, the signs, and how to tackle it. Let’s dive in.

Signs Of Emotional Cheating In  Marriage:

As I said earlier, emotional cheating in marriage is subtle, and it is also reasonably destructive to any marriage. Unlike physical infidelity, emotional infidelity is primarily forming an emotional connection with another person outside your marriage, perhaps to match or outdo the relationship you shared with your partner.

Emotional cheating in marriage may be well camouflaged, and most times, it is only recognized after the damage to your relationship already seems irreparable. In this section, you’ll see some general signs that perhaps there is emotional cheating in your relationship and detailed descriptions of this behavior. 

1. Secretive Communication:

One of the most significant signs of emotional cheating in marriage is secretive communication. This may manifest in several ways, such as the following:

  • Private Conversations: You may notice your spouse having private conversations with some other person through text, email, or social media. You might also find him or her being very protective of their phone, deleting messages or using apps with encrypted or disappearing messages.
  • Behavioral Changes: The unusual secretive phone or computer activities by your partner, such as turning it away from your view, using unfamiliar passwords, or getting defensive as to who they converse with. These are also the signs of emotional cheating in marriage.
  • Time and Frequency: If your partner starts more frequent texting or calling with another person than he does with you, that can already be a warning sign. It is not just the secrecy but also the frequency and intensity of such conversations that come into play. The moment the conversations outside the marriage become more important than the one with a spouse, it’s a surefire indication that emotional boundaries are crossed.

2. Showing Emotional Priority to Someone Else:

Your emotional cheating partner will, in all probability, attach more importance to somebody else’s emotional needs and views than yours. This may involve or include:

  • Emotional Dependency: If your spouse happens to be emotionally dependent on another person—for instance, sharing their life story, problems, or even dreams—it means he or she is developing an attachment to them; this then brings an intimate connection emotionally, which often supersedes the marriage bond.
  • Neglecting the Marriage: Because of this, you may find your spouse less emotionally available to you. They show less interest in spending time together, discussing issues that are important, or even sharing their day with you. Instead, they share their emotional energy with the person they emotionally cheat with.
  • Seeking of Validation: Whenever your partner starts seeking validation or affirmation from somebody other than you, it is a sure shot sign that they are emotionally investing in another person. This involves taking their advice on certain matters of personal nature or seeking their shoulder for comfort during times of emotional turmoil instead of yours.

3. Withdrawal from the Spouse:

The second major warning sign that your spouse may detach from you in an emotional affair takes several forms: either they start showing emotional withdrawal, becoming distant with each passing day.

They stop sharing their thoughts and feelings with you, or the conversations become superficial; he is unwilling, even, to talk about how he is feeling or what’s going on in his life.

  • Physical Avoidance: Emotional removal might also give birth to physical avoidance. Your partner may start avoiding close moments, either by reducing the frequency of physical displays of love, refusing sexual intimacy, or even not wanting to be around you as much. The warmth that used to define the relationship starts cooling off.
  • Irritability and Criticism: Sometimes this emotional distance can make them even more irritable or critical. They may seem quite annoyed by you, or they are highly critical about your behaviors, most probably in an attempt to show justification for where their emotional involvement has come from. It could be a defense mechanism—to back themselves from guilt feelings or to rationalize the feelings at hand.

Early detection of these signs of emotional cheating in marriage could pave the way to both approaching open communication and even saving the marital bond still intact.

Differences Between Emotional and Physical Cheating:

While both types of cheating are forms of betrayal, emotional cheating in marriage and physical infidelity have different ways of manifesting into a betrayal.

Emotional cheating is usually when you or your spouse develops deep emotional connections with someone else. Most often, this consists of intimacies, emotional dependence, and sharing all their feelings, including thoughts, that are supposed to be kept between you too.

Physical infidelity occurs when sexual relationships are held with a person outside your marriage.

Emotional Impact whereas physical cheating serves as a more tangible form of violation to the eyes, emotional cheating can inflict even greater—if not more devastating—damage than physical cheating.

Consequently, emotional cheating represents an assault on people’s emotional structures within a relationship, eroding feelings of betrayal, inadequacy, and mistrust.

It is precisely with an emotionally replaced person that the cheated-on person may feel, and with that, a deep sense of loss and betrayal. The tangible breach of trust associated with physical cheating is immediate and intense.

Consequently, physical infidelity can be more noticeable and brought to light by the prospects of material clues, including text messages or being caught in the act. Emotional infidelity, on the other hand, is very subtle.

It may remain unnoticed for more extended periods because it does not involve physical actions, so people may regard it as reasonably harmless or trifling. The emotional affairs, however, can deeply erode a marriage’s trust and intimacy, even more than in many physical affairs.

Misconceptions and Minimization About Emotional Cheating:

Another common mistake is not seeing a problem in emotional cheating, as no physical act actually takes place. It means that emotional cheating is often belittled, and the person might justify their actions—trying to make it feel like it is just friendship or harmless flirting.

However, in most cases, it is emotional infidelity that leads to actual physical cheating and could be a sign of more serious problems within the relationship.

Causes of emotional cheating in marriage:

1. Underlying causes unmet emotional needs:

One of the fundamental root causes of emotional cheating in marriage is unmet emotional needs within the marriage. When one feels alone, neglected, not respected, or estranged from their partner, they tend to seek satisfaction from other outside sources.

Such outside emotional support may innocently begin with confiding from a workmate or an old friend but can easily turn into intimacy due to strong emotional ties.

2. Lack of Communication:

The second significant contributor to emotional infidelity is poor communication between partners. When partners are unable to express their needs, desires, or grievances to one another, they may seek validation and understanding from others.

Such a lack of communication serves as an emotional void and thus may form a ground over which an outside connection can blossom.

3. Escalation Over Time:

At times, emotional infidelity starts very innocently, like a meaningful friendship with someone at work. Demarcation boundaries blur as the emotional connection deepens and the relationship turns to something of a more serious nature.

It all can turn into a total emotional affair as simple as that friendly chat or shoulder to lean on, which defies intimacy and trust in the marriage or relationship.

Why emotional cheating is almost always ignored:

By nature, emotional cheating happens more gradually and does not involve any physical touch; hence, it can easily be rationalized or denied. The person emotionally cheating can easily convince himself that since there is no physical contact, it is not really cheating.

Such a mindset is oblivious to the emotional investment being made outside the marriage, which can just as well be as destructive to the marriage as a physical affair.

How to Address Emotional Cheating in Marriage:

The realization of emotional cheating in marriage comes with alertness and a sensitive approach on how to handle feelings and situations involved in the regaining of trust.

The following are crucial steps toward confronting the problem: practical boundaries, an avenue for communication on both sides, and meeting a counselor. Let’s take them one by one.

1. Identifying the Problem:

The very first step is to acknowledge the fact that emotional cheating has indeed taken place. This involves some degree of introspection by both partners: admitting to an emotional involvement with someone else and how this affair drastically hurts the relationship.

This needs to be taken without any blame so that both can understand how and why the emotional distance originally set in so that it’s now time for healing to begin and for trust to be rebuilt.

2. Open and honest communication:

Once an issue is taken in, open and frank communication must come after. Both should make a no-offense environment where both can freely talk about their feelings without being at the risk of being judged or retaliated against.

In other words, this is a safe place where the wronged partner can express in clear and calm words how the emotional cheating has affected him or her and how the partner who has engaged in emotional cheating thinks and communicates thoughts and motivations.

At this stage of discussions, active listening is a fundamental skill both partners should have in emphatic listening without interruption to really understand each other’s feelings.

3. Set appropriate boundaries:

With communication underway, the time is now to set clear emotional boundaries. They both, in short, need to define what emotional cheating is within their marriage. They need to discuss in great detail what would cross the line and what boundaries will keep the emotional integrity of their marriage.

After determining such boundaries, they have to be strictly reinforced. This will not only preclude further cases of emotional cheating but will also serve as a background platform to build trust. Meanwhile, in the digital age, it is also important to monitor online interactions. Do mostly transparent work in digital communications and set limits on social network use.

4. Rebuild Trust Gradually:

Trust building is a gradual process, so there should be openness and patience. If you or your partner who has been involved in emotional cheating should open up their future interactions by disclosing details about their conversations, emotional cheating in marriage could be avoided.

On this line of transparency, there has to be repeated reassurance to the partner who had suffered from unfaithfulness through petty love, constant behavior, and open explicitness of commitment to the relationship. You both have to understand that the trust that has to be earned back does not happen overnight.

5. Get Professional Help:

Professional help may also be a crucial aspect of stopping emotional cheating in marriage from happening. Marriage counseling will provide a safe forum for both of you to work through your feelings, enhance your communication, and even bring out hidden issues that may have triggered the emotional cheating in marriage.

Seeing a therapist after the emotional infidelity will also help you become aware of underlying personal issues as well as unmet emotional needs or insecurities.

Likewise, joining a support group of couples who are fighting similar battles can provide additional emotional support and methods of combating the emotional cheating.

6. Reignite the emotional connection:

In order to rekindle the emotional connection, time should be spent together doing all the favorite things so that you will always be close and emotionally in tune with one another. This could be done either through planning a weekly date night, getting involved in shared activities, or simply sitting together occasionally to feel connected.

Gratitude expressed once in a while also creates the feeling of positivity; a two-way acknowledgment will be appreciated, making efforts to invest time in the relationship even more. Also, discussing common future goals will bring back the feelings of connectedness into your emotional tie.

7. Commit to Maintenance of the Relationship:

The health of the relationship finally pegs on continued maintenance. Check-ins should be made about the state of the relationship, which may include issues that could be lingering and lead to continued emotional disconnection, discussed periodically.

Both of you should commit to learning about your needs by reading relationship books, even as you attend workshops or go into continuous counseling. Celebrate the milestones around investments in the relationship—big or little—to enhance commitment and build one’s marriage.

In Conclusion:

Tackling emotions in marriage is crucial for both the integrity and trustworthiness of any relationship between lovers. Couples should work together to regain mutual confidence and to strengthen their emotional closeness by identifying the signs of this cheating, establishing boundaries, and committing themselves to honest communication.

It’s vital to note that this form of infidelity is as harmful as the physical one; hence, preemptive measures are needed to prevent it from ruining your love life. Concentrate on trying to become a better person always while at the same time intensifying your attachment feelings.



AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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