Categories: Marriage

7 Of Best Physical Touch Examples To Boost Love

How often do you and your partner hug or hold hands? Well, only you can answer that. However, if that is lacking or nonexistent in your relationship, then you are reading the best post now. In this post, I will show some examples of these physical touch examples and the importance of physical touch in your marriage. Before we delve into the physical touch examples, let’s check what physical touch means.

What Is Physical Touch Love Language?

Physical touch is a form of love language that consists of non-sexual and sexual gestures between partners when they express love to each other. This includes the simple acts of holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling, and other forms of demonstration of affection.

It creates emotional closeness and bonds between partners, reduces stress, and further strengthens the marriage. It is very powerful in its ability to convey love and reassurance without words, directly speaking to the heart of both commitment and support. It may maintain closeness and enhance relationship satisfaction and stability with regular physical contact.

For many, physical touch is their primary love language, indicating that through physical interactions, they feel the most loved or valued by other human beings. One could see how the touch would play a vital part in the expression and experiences of love within marriage by letting someone feel understood and appreciated.

This will allow couples to grow much closer emotionally by recognizing and including physical touch, which will strengthen commitment.

Physical touch examples:

Read this to know how to reignite passion into your marriage .

Physical love is an essential attribute to a healthy and successful marriage relationship in the form of touch through body language that helps a couple express affection, support, and even closeness. Most physical touch examples play a vital role in keeping the emotional bond between spouses strong. Detailed below are the types of physical love.

Physical Touch Examples One: Holding of Hands:

One of the easiest, yet very potent, examples of physical touch is just holding hands. This is an act that characterizes unity, security, and association. Whether walking or sitting, holding hands reassures each other about their relationship and mutual existence.

It is a silent assurance of being together and loving one another. Alongside holding hands, hugging equally is necessary to show affection. According to famous therapist Virginia Satir, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Therefore, such physical touch strengthens emotional ties and nourishes a more wholesome and happy relationship.

Physical Touch Examples Two: Hugging:

One of the best physical touch examples to attain very emotional and physiological rewards is hugging. A study went on to say that even a 20-second hug could produce oxytocin, popularly known as the “love hormone,” which increases happiness and bonding feelings. In a report in Psychological Science, frequent hugs reduced stress and acted as an immune enhancer.

A hug brings comfort and raises the mood right away, as it gives the person emotion and makes the hugger and the person being hugged feel connected and inseparable. On top of that, this example of touching reinforces feelings of closeness by showing love and care, bringing along emotions of well-being in one simple but strong action.

Physical Touch Examples Three: Cuddling Each Other.

Cuddling most of the time means lying or sitting together, physically very close to each other. It infuses warmth, comfort, and a feeling of being safe. Being one of the prime examples of physical touch, cuddling is related to increased emotional closeness, making the two partners closer and more loved.

It has been proven that 87% of couples who regularly cuddle each other usually enjoy higher relationship satisfaction. Apart from this, cuddling increases the level of oxytocin, which is also known as the “love hormone,” therefore making the bond with one’s mate stronger and the stress much less significant.

Relationship therapist Dr. Sue Johnson believes that “cuddling is a very powerful form of communication, saying ‘You are important to me’ without words.” Daily routines can be inculcated with cuddles to bring about immense improvements in relationships.

Physical Touch Examples Number Five: Kissing


Kissing, be it casual pecks or passionate kisses that express love, is a classical case of intimate physical touch that conveys care and desire. According to recent Kinsey Institute research, regular kissing boosts relationship satisfaction by maintaining romance and emotional connection.

Kissing is such an intimate form of communication that it speaks volumes about love and attraction,” states Dr. Laura Berman, a relationship expert. Physical contact triggers the release of the so-called “love hormone,” oxytocin, which strengthens affection in two people.

Regular kissing will help spouses remember their love and attraction, so it’s essential to practice it in order to nurture deeper emotional connections.

Physical Touch Examples Six: Messaging.

Massaging each other is therapeutic and a physical act of love that can only improve the relationship. Documented studies prove that couples who regularly massage each other note a significant decrease in their stress levels and a resulting increase in relationship satisfaction.

Massage therapy decreased cortisol levels, hence stress, by 31%. Emotional closeness was increased due to the “love hormone,” oxytocin, which increased by 22%, as noted in one study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience.

Such touching serves to relieve physical tension by showing care and attention toward one another, creating more closeness. This easy action of adding massage to your routine makes a person’s well-being much more enriching, both in the physical and emotional bonding aspects.

Physical Touch Examples Seven: Intimate Touch.

Intimate touch, which involves all forms of body contact, including sexual behavior, is one of the defining features of love in marriage. This expresses very strong emotions of affection, passion, and complete commitment, which weld two love donors together inseparably.

This, though physical, doesn’t necessarily have to do with prostitution; it strengthens emotional closeness and fosters trust. Only by having regular intimate contact and growing together in a secure feeling of belonging can all couples keep a romantic relationship alive, healthy, and pleasing.

By being able to make time for the important intimate moments, a couple can work through any issues that may come their way and keep the flames burning while their relationship continually grows, ultimately making it interesting and full of vibrancy all the way through the years.

Importance Of Physical Touch In Marriage:


1. Strengthening Emotional Bonds

It is physical touch, which involves hugging, holding hands, or cuddling, that creates the strongest emotional bond between the two. Physical expression creates closeness and comfort and gives a feel of depth to intimacy, which is different from what could be expressed in words.

Touch is an aspect through which couples show love, comfort, and security, hence strengthening their bond and maximizing relationship satisfaction in ways that the verbal channel of communication cannot.

2. Enhance Communication:

Touch is the most powerful non-verbal system to convey love, reassurance, and support. Even just touching can fill gaps left by words and sometimes act as solace during rejections or hardships. This is silent communication that flows beyond the reach of words and thus can establish a closer link between emotions and others. It gives solace when words fail.

3. It Fosters Relationship Satisfaction;

Couples who display a very high frequency of physical affection in their relationship show much greater relationship satisfaction. Acts of contact like holding hands, hugging, and kissing define mutual affection, outlining an emotional bond between two individuals.

This kind of close contact supplies not only an increase in feelings of security and attachment but also reignites passion and desire. These small acts can do so much to deepen a more rewarding partnership based on mutual love and emotional closeness.

4. Improved Physical Health

The regular exchange of physical touch has been shown to decrease blood pressure, increase resistance to disease and illness, diminish pain perception, and create the opportunity for a longer and healthier life.

Physical touch examples, such as hugging, holding hands, and massage, enable the release of oxytocin while reducing levels of cortisol, therefore creating relaxation. These simple acts serve the purpose of not only emotionally binding two persons but also acting very importantly in both physical healthiness and quality of life.

5. It encourages positive interactions.

Touching each other in a relationship can encourage positive interactions and minimize conflicts, thereby creating understanding. Sometimes, just a touch—a hand lightly resting on the shoulder or a reassuring pat on the back—can diffuse tension, show empathy, and express a readiness to work out problems together.

These physical touch examples can enable one to bridge emotional gaps with the partner and thus feel more connected and understood. This provides, in effect, a way to reach toward a much more harmonious and cooperative relationship.


This, in sum, means that physical touching in mfarriage allows one to be closer, conveys the expression of each other’s needs, and enhances relationship satisfaction. From holding hands and hugs to cuddling, kissing, massaging, their implication in small bits into everyday routine may make a big difference in bonding and is good for strengthening emotional and even physical health.

Sexual and non-sexual intimate touches maintain freshness and passion in a relationship. These small acts of physical affection thus become strong tools for expressing love and support, which will set your marriage on a continued basis of happiness and connection for the marriage.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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