Making a marriage successful is not rocket science, you will be shocked to know that most of the things you neglect are the things that bring success in marriage. Marriage is not a day job, It is not even a monthly subscription: it is a lifelong commitment and so it requires good planning and daily nurturing to make it successful.
My advice to you today is to take your time and review all your plans concerning your family. The reason why people opt out of their marriage is that they don’t have better information needed to bring success in marriage.
In this post, I want to reveal to you 9 neglected things that can bring success in marriage. Let’s dive in.
I have come to understand that one of the things that can bring chaos in a relationship is not being straightforward with your spouse. Discussing issues openly without hidden motives or agendas goes straight to the heart and makes everyone feel secure.
Transparency and openness bring authentic relationships among couples. And having success in marriage means two people with flaws understand themselves too well to stay together.
What is the level of trust in your marriage? Only you can answer that but understand that having success in marriage depends greatly on the level of trust that exists between you. Whenever trust is broken in any relationship, every other part of the relationship becomes affected,
Of course, every good relationship is dependent on the foundation of trust.
However, it is not Just about sexual trust, but :
If you really desire to sustain your marriage to the end, then you must know how to build trust in these four areas I mentioned above.
If I asked you to describe your marriage, what would you have to say about it? Is it loaded with passion?
It doesn’t matter if you just got married or you have been married a long time ago.
Let me tell you that a passionate marriage is not only possible, but you can have success in marriage if you want to, by following these steps.
We describe marriage as passionate when there is a good presence of “quality positive emotions ” in a relationship, which goes beyond a good sex life. The question is, how do you stir this passion up in your relationship?
Marriage doesn’t mean stopping pursuing your spouse as many of us think.
Take time to bring those good moments back like before, when you desire to have him or her around you all the time. Having date nights, send romantic messages to each other.
These small acts remind your spouse that you still find them attractive and desirable. By continually pursuing each other, you keep the relationship exciting, strengthening your emotional and physical connection over time.
It is obviously easy to focus only on those things you don’t like about your spouse or concentrate only on the things she or he is supposed to be doing, but not doing it.
But let me tell you that it will only destroy the passion you are craving.
The only way to avoid it is by being grateful and appreciative, even to the smallest things he or she does. That’s also a good way to have success in marriage.
(3) Be committed to your marriage:
Always see yourself as the only instrument for the success of your marriage. Indeed, marriage works better when couples work as one. However, to be more committed to your relationship means you are ready to sacrifice greatly to its success.
There are times when things will not look good, but you are ready to say, ” I want my relationship to succeed so I will do whatever I can so that things will start working again and better.
(4) Understand that marriage has its own life:-
One thing the young couple finds hard to imagine is what marriage will be like in years to come. The fact remains that no one will expect a relationship to be static, because nothing in life stays the same forever.
(5) Never plan to change your spouse:-
You have heard this so many times, but I wish to remind you again that there is no force you can apply that can make your partner change and become your dream spouse.
The best you can do is to change yourself first. Any effort you are making to change your partner will only fail and backfire.
Even when he/she eventually changes because of your constant cajoling, the next thing that follows is resentment.
(6) Learn to be grateful and forgive always:-
Appreciation will help you have success in your marriage. It is good to appreciate whatever your partner does for you, no matter how little. Showing appreciation means you value your spouse so much.
Forgive your spouse when he/she spills the beans. Remember, no one is perfect, not even you.
(7) Keep learning new things about marriage:-
There is always so much to learn about everything and marriage is no different.
If you want success in your relationship, then you should keep learning new things.
Since you are reading this, I know you want success, and it will come your way.
Many marriages are going through challenges now because they don’t know the next step. So keep reading, attend marriage seminars, and visit a marriage therapist if need be.
(8) Invest more time:
Relationships can thrive when you don’t invest time in them. Every successful relationship needs an intentional good time together, and the fact is that quality time can never be achieved when quality time is not available at all.
Take the relationship you share with your spouse as a precious ornament and invest a good time in it. If possible, give at least 15 minutes a day to your marriage and see what will happen.
(9) Communicate effectively:–
In every happy marriage, communication is the most important key that makes it so. The happy partners have more time to talk about their children, finances, and other things.
They also talk about their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxiety. They never hide their feelings for each other and they pay quality attention when the other partner is talking.
10. Practice Empathy:
Empathy is good in every relationship it is key to any successful relationship or marriage. Empathy means understanding and sharing your partner’s feelings.
Most times, all the conflicts we have in marriage happen because we don’t take the time to see things from our partner’s perspective. If you want to learn everything about the importance of empathy in marriage, then read this post.
11. Share Responsibilities:
Another important way to have success in marriage is to share responsibilities in your home. Sharing the responsibilities in your marriage will help both of you to maintain balance in your marriage. Some challenges come through unequal sharing of these responsibilities, but when it’s shared evenly, everyone feels supported and loved.
Be sure that the workloads are distributed equally to reduce complacency and create a teamwork mindset, where everyone feels they are contributing equally to the marriage. The result of teamwork and cooperativeness in a marriage deepens trust and helps the relationship blossom.
12. Keep Physical Intimacy Alive:
Yes, you heard that right; Physical intimacy is another crucial way of achieving success in marriage. It helps to keep you and your partner mutually connected. Understand that physical intimacy is not just about having sex with your partner, other small romantic gestures like kissing, cuddling, and holding hands can improve your emotional closeness.
All these insignificant actions show your partner how much you love and care about them. Physical affection helps you to bond with each other, as it releases oxytocin, which is also known as the “love hormone.” Love hormone is responsible for reducing stress and being happy. Don’t neglect these gestures, they may look small, but, marriage succeeds by doing these little things.
Ensuring the success of your marriage starts in your mind. If you want to achieve it, then you must follow the steps I shared in this post. And remember, a happy marriage will not come by merely washing.
You have to do the needful to get what you desire. Most of the steps you should take to have good success in marriage are not tedious, you only have to be committed and intentional about it.
Out of these steps I mentioned here, which did you find more interesting? Please, share it with us using the comment box.
I am still your in-house counselor, murphyaik. See you at the top.
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