Are you looking to know how to make a good foundation for marriage? You are reading the right post, and I will show you ways to improve your marriage quickly.
The foundations of everything are very important because that is always the pillar that holds firm the other structures. That means if the foundation is not strong, every other part of the structure won’t be strong either.
Marriage has its foundation too. To have a successful marriage, you must first lay the foundation of your marriage. And in this post, you will learn how to make a good foundation for marriage.
I implore you to read this post carefully so you will learn what a good foundation for marriage is and how to get it right from the beginning.
If you have been married for a long time now, you’ll also learn to make your foundation firmer this time.
Before that, let’s get ourselves acquainted with what the foundation for marriage means. describes the foundation as the “natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.”
May I also tell you that you can’t do anything without a proper foundation? If you do, you will be ready to see it falling flat to the ground.
And marriage is just the same. It also needs a foundation to stand, and not just a foundation but a firm and strong foundation. So how do you define the foundation for marriage?
Good foundations for marriage simply mean the totality of your efforts, actions, and moves to have a strong and lasting relationship.
A good foundation for marriage is laid out before the marriage, or at least before the wedding. It begins with having genuine, honest, and open communication about all your desires, hopes, feelings, interests, and goals.
When all these are spelled out from the onset of your relationship, you have dealt with the impending doom that could rear its head later in your relationship. Marriage is meant for couples to enjoy and not endure.
The reason most husbands and wives are not getting what they desire in their own families is because of the foundation they built. Marriage can be built on either a good or a bad foundation.
Meanwhile, if you are not enjoying yours, that may be because you have the wrong foundation.
1. Your relationship will be secured.
If a foundation is truly the pillar on which a structure is built, then it is best to have your marriage on a good foundation too, because with a solid foundation, you are sure your relationship is secured.
With a strong foundation, you are sure your boundaries are respected and that trust is not breached.
You can’t underestimate a good foundation when you want to have a successful relationship.
2. Trust is built when there is a good foundation.
With a strong foundation in your relationship, you don’t need to be afraid of anything or your partner. The absence of fear brings confidence and trust and with trust, your relationship will grow stronger by the day.
How To Make A Good Foundation For Marriage.
1) Lies:
Starting your marriage with lies could cause a big disaster to your home in the future because anything that is hidden in this life must one day be revealed.
One day, I went to visit a friend of mine. I met him quarreling with his wife.
The main reason for the uproar was that all the lines were let loose. Many things the man said to win the wife were all lies.
It was by God’s grace that the marriage still stands today.
Remember. It always takes a lie to cover another lie. It is, therefore, better to start your marriage on a platform of truth than lies.
2) Money:
Money is important in everything, and marriage is especially important. However, using money as the foundation for your marriage can be destroyed at a later time.
You must understand that money can come and go at anything.
Never base your choice of marriage on money, and never try to win any woman by brandishing money on her.
Again, it is imperative to be on the same page when it comes to money; if not, there will be lots of misunderstanding.
Don’t let your spending be more than your earnings; reckless spending can make you poor and bankrupt.
Beauty, they said, is good in the eyes of the beholder. Yes, I believe, but let it not be the criteria for your marital choice; instead, go for the moral beauty. Marry him or her because she is good on the inside.
You can’t be sure what happens next; the beauty can fade away, Tell me what happens when the beauty is no more. I have seen someone lose a beautiful face after an accident, A beautiful body structure can also disappear when you don’t monitor your diet.
In other words, don’t base your decision for or marry beauty; instead, marry because you love your partner.
4) Building Your Marriage On A Solid Foundation: God:
Make God the foundation of your marriage and see things moving just smoothly. Start by acknowledging him. Let Him take the pre-eminence. Never take a step without him. Remember, you can not do it alone.
Proverbs 3: 5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your part. “Ask Him before you do anything or take any decision; He is there to direct you on how to make things better.
Never try to become a Superman or a Superwoman because you think that is the type of woman or man people prefer. Be who you are. Let your spouse know that you are the same person he married.
Being yourself in your relationship will not only foster trust but will also help you sustain your bond and longevity. Pretending to be who or what you are not willing to be leads to dissatisfaction and misunderstanding.
Ultimately, a true connection with your partner comes from transparency and being genuine.
Embracing your true self will foster an atmosphere of love and acceptance where both of you can feel valued and secure in your relationship.
6) Love yourself:
To build a firmer foundation for marriage, you have to be yourself. The best way to move forward in life as a happily married man or woman is to love yourself first. Refuse to see yourself the way you think you are.
Maybe you think you have a big head, big eyes, or chicken legs. Remember, God created you like that?
You must love yourself first before any other person can. Be the best you can be for your husband; after all, he saw you the way you were before he married you.
No matter what happens, love is always the greatest. The Bible says that ‘love covers a multitude of sins. Marry someone who loves you for what you are and not for who you are. The opposite will break your heart into pieces.
Show your partner that you truly do love him or her and don’t assume they know you do.
8) Bed undefiled:
One of the things the couple enjoys is sex. Therefore, do not start enjoying sex until you are married. Sex, when started before marriage, usually starts declining after some years in marriage. Let that be your very first discovery with your spouse.
9. Spend Quality Time together.
You can’t talk about building a good foundation for marriage without talking about spending time with each other. And not just to spend time, but to have quality time together. Try to dedicate regular moments to one another, such as engaging in shared hobbies, having date nights, having heartfelt conversations, etc.
These activities will help you create mutual understanding and intimacy. It creates cherished moments and reinforces the emotional foundation of marriage. Planning for such interesting interactions helps to sustain closeness and love, which are essential for a successful relationship.
10. Shared goals and values:
Another good way to build a foundation for marriage is to cultivate a good sense of purpose and unity. You can achieve that when you share your beliefs, values, and life.
By aligning your long-term aspirations and core principles, you will build a strong foundation upon which to build your life together.
The alignment fosters respect, mutual understanding, and support and enhances decision-making, communication, and respect between couples.
As you work as a team towards your common goals, you will strengthen your connection, which will empower you to navigate your challenges as one.
Ultimately, your goals and shared values are a form of guidance that will help you stand and immerse yourself in fulfillment and meaning.
Trust and respect are also important when you want to build a foundation for marriage. Trust, which is the cornerstone of marital bliss, is built through consistent honesty, reliability, transparency, and honesty.
You and your partner can demonstrate trustworthiness by keeping promises, honoring commitments, and being emotionally available. Respect means valuing each other’s opinions, feelings, and boundaries and creating an environment of mutual appreciation and dignity.
Upholding respect and trust keeps the foundation of your marriage stronger and helps to nurture a sense of intimacy, security, and partnership. These are essential for long-term fulfillment and happiness.
A good foundation for marriage will make your marriage either fail or succeed. Building a strong foundation requires trust, honesty, genuine love, and shared value.
By making open communication a priority, nurturing intimacy, and embracing authenticity, you and your partner can weather the storms of marriage together.
When you include God in the equation, he will provide spiritual strength and guidance. Investing time, commitment, and effort into your relationship fosters a bond that withstands challenges.
Ultimately, any marriage that is built on a solid foundation of trust, love, and understanding is likely to succeed and bring fulfillment to the two of you.
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