If you are looking to be a better husband, then sturdy this article properly, because I will show you some smart ways to be a better husband and father.
Marriage is sweet when there’s a good relationship between you and your wife. But, the absence of that means quarrels, fights and sometimes divorce.
If you are reading this post now, the tendency is that you either want to improve yourself to be a better husband, or you know someone who wants to change and be a good loving husband too.
Don’t worry, I will show you in a jiffy.
Loving your wife is the first and great commandment God gave to every husband. Notice that he is not asking you to try to love your wife or respect her, He he commanded you to love her.
Love covers so many sins. Remember when you started dating each other, you loved each other so much that you’ll never see your partner flaws. That was because of love, and that was the reason you proposed and married her.
And the truth is that you want to love her to the end, but life gets in the way and everything got affected, your relationship as couples also affected
But there’s still room to improve on your love for your wife if it has gone cold.
This doesn’t mean you should think about your wife all the time, but, it means you should consider what impact your decisions and action will have on your relationship.
The fact is that when you do other things at the expense of your marriage, when. you keep. pursuing your promotion in the office or you are studying for your exam or putting other things ahead of your marriage, your partner will feel despised and neglected.
It will make your partner to stop putting efforts into your marriage too. That brings problems to your marriage.
Neglecting your relationship will create resentment and doubt and. It’s always disheartening when you are neglected or when the one you love doesn’t value you the same way you do.
Nothing brings chaos in a relationship than when your partner sees you as controlling. It is very common in marriage, because both men and female complain of such.
The moment your wife sees you as a controlling husband, her attitude will change drastically and you know what that means!
Examine yourself well, it is possible you are controlling yet you are not aware. Some times you will think you are not or that you are just saying your mind, but your wife is not finding it funny.
If you don’t want your wife to see you as a controlling hubby, then try to pay close attention to her feelings about your actions. If she sees you as a friend, then you are on the right track, if not, try and change.
If I ask you how much you know your wife, what will you say? Of course, you know her best color, her best food, but is it all there is to know about her?
John Guttman said that the best way to have a successful relationship is to know your spouse well.
Knowing her well means knowing her love language. What makes her feel good or bad.
You can start by asking questions if you are not able to observe. Ask her how or what’s her best way of romance. Questions like these will make her open up and you will be able to know her much better.
In as much as you are craving to be a better husband, you shouldn’t forget to take care of yourself too, because it also reflects how well you care for your wife.
No matter how long you are married, don’t think you can dress any way you want. Just understand that the way you take care of yourself is also important to the success of your relationship.
Get to work and control what you eat, how you dress and be the best you can for your wife.
Change your wardrobe if possible, get good perfume and undies. You will be happy that you are looking nice too.
Don’t be the type of husband that complains every moment about the wife’s flaws. When you stay around your men, two seconds is enough to know what you feel about your wife. They will always guess that you have new stories about your wife.
The best husband boasts about his wife at any opportunity.
So to be the better husband, you’ve got to spread the good news about her to your friends, your family as well as your children. Let them know you love and respect her, and they will respect her too.
It is true you have your own personal goals to pursue, but your wife will feel great when she realize that you also want to help her achieve hers.
A research conducted in 2014 shows that couples who offer to help each other get their self-growth accomplished are satisfied in their relationship.
8) Surprise Her:-
Learn how to surprise her. Everybody loves a surprise! And the idea of a well-planned surprises is to give something unexpected to someone, When you give something surprisingly to your wife, she will be amazed and overjoyed and her joy will add strength to you as well.
Remember an old slogan that said ” if mama is happy, everyone is happy too. When your wife is happy, she gives her best for your marriage.
Finally, its important to aspire to be a better husband, but understand it can never be that easy. However, these points are enough to get you started, and in no distant time, you will see things changing for good.
Your wife will love you more when she realizes that you want to be the best for her.
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