Categories: Marriage

11 Of The Best Selling Marriage Preparation Books For Now

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If you are looking for best selling marriage preparation books, Then I’ve got your back and I will show you some interesting best selling marriage preparation books that will guide you step by step until you are ready for marriage.

Why Do You Need These Books?

Obviously, building a successful marriage is not a day job, and there’s no way you can successfully make your marriage work if you don’t know the basics; that’s why you should learn about it to know what works and what doesn’t work.

Recent research shows that the best way you can build a successful marriage is to prepare properly for it, but the truth is that we devote much time to plan our business, exams, and wedding but no time to plan for marriage.

That’s why most marriages fail before it began.

To avoid this, you have to be prepared, and the best way to be prepared is to attend seminars, play Cds, and read some best selling marriage preparation books.

Thankfully, there are experts and authors who have exposed many facts on the most important topic on marriage preparations and I have tons of them to introduce to you today.

Below are 11 best selling marriage preparation books you must read before getting married.

1) Preparing for Marriage Leaders Guide:

This is one of the best selling marriage preparation books I love so much. The book was written by Dennis Rainey, and it is a “Must” read for anyone preparing to get married as well as already married couples. It is based on Biblical Principles about marriage writer share some unique God’s blueprint for home, and marriage.

It is also profitable for couples who want to discern God’s will for their relationship.

You will practical guidance about responsibilities, finance, and intimacy as you read the book.

It will also help you evaluate your readiness for marriage.

If you have read other books and couldn’t get answers to your questions, then this is the answer you require.

In this book, you will get a comprehensive premarital education to help you have a better foundation for a fulfilling marriage.

2) Getting Ready For Marriage: A Practical Road Map For Your Journey Together:

This book is a Must-Read for all the intending couples. It is one of the best selling marriage preparation books you can think of. In this book, JIM BURNS & DOUG FIELDS want to guide you on how to plan a lasting union.

With their experiences in counseling and research, they were able to find a good road map for your marital journey.

It is filled with actionable exercises, truths, and conversation starter and will guide and nourish your relationship for a lasting relationship.

It also centered on rational and Biblical touchstones and will also equip you to learn how to deal with issues as regards communication, finance, and intimacy.

3) Saving Your Marriage Before It Stops:

This book contains lots of helpful hints for Newlywed; it’s another Pre-marriage resource available today because it is filled with clear and simple principles to guide you as you go into marriage.

Written by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott with over one million copies of it sold all over the world. Because of the relevance of this book, it has been translated into more than 15 languages and it’s widely good for marriage preparation.

Here Is Few Impacting Ideas You Will Gain From This Book:

• Uncover myths in marriage.
• Learn how to communicate with instant understanding.
• Discover the secrets to dealing with conflicts’.
• Master the skills of money, and marriage.
• Understand how to get your sex life off to a good start.

If you want to make your marriage successful, then you must read this book, It is actionable, practicable, and easy to use.

4) Before “I do”

Written by Olivia Baylor, a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and the owner of life revision counseling ( LLC) based in Catonsville Mary Land.

Before I do, is a complete pre-marital counseling workbook suitable for those considering marriage, engaging in a long term relationship, or already in marriage.

It consists of 200 questionnaires, information, and charts you will have to complete with your intending partner or with your therapist.

As you read this best selling marriage preparation book, it will guide you to understand your partner and your relationship better and how you can deal with issues that will come to your relationship, and help you understand that “marriage and your wedding, but about what comes after.”

5) The 10 Conversation You Must Have Before You Get Married:

Marital success is based on the level of communication. This book by D Guy Grenier  (also known as Dr. Guy) is a game-changer to couples who want to learn the communication skills that work perfectly in a relationship. In this book, Dr. Guy expounded on essential issues the couple needs to learn how to manage to have a perfect relationship.

His three areas of concentration are
“The three Bank account Rule.”
“ W(h)in Time
“ Which way the toilet paper comes off the roll.”

All these are the cheapest issues usually found in relationships. However, you will learn how to tackle these problems effectively from these best selling marriage preparation books. It’s all about having good self-relationship skills. It is easy to read and understand and it’s based on clinical examples.

As you read it, you will learn ways of becoming intimately connected and properly prepared to build a strong relationship together.


6) Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work:

This is another book on my list of best selling marriage preparation books, and it is written by a well-known marriage researcher, scientist on marriage called John Gottman.

The seven principles of making marriage work has helped thousands of people all over the world understand the proper ways to strengthen and repair their marriages.

His years of studying marriage and couples, Gottman has understood the habits that make or breaks any relationship. The book is also a culmination of all his experiences and solutions to stress couples go through.

In it, you will also learn new opportunities for dealing with issues, creating common grounds, and achieving a good level of intimacy.

The strategies offered here are actionable for dealing with issues related to money, religion, family work, sex, and everything called issues in relationships.

7) Total Money Makeover: Proven Plans For Financial Fitness:

According to survey money-related issue is one greatest issue in marriage. To prevent your relationship from being ruined by money issues, you have to look at this best selling money journal written by Dave Ramsey (The American trusted voice on Money).

This book has sold 7 million copies. It has 272 pages and comprise of principles to turn your “fat flabby expenses into a well-toned budget.”, change your sad skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine. It is one sure book that shows you how to whip your finances into shape.

8) Empowered Empath:

This book is good for you if you are such that feels that being empathetic has become a curse instead of blessing to you. It is written by the famous Judy Dyer. Judy, with her years of experience, has brought to you a wealth of information from his personal journey.

If you want to feel confident as you communicate with people on your daily conversation with people. Make the best career decisions as an empath and how you control your overwhelming emotions, then you must read this book.

9) Ready or Knot:

How do you know who you are getting married to?

Well! Pastor Scott Kedersha has the answer to that question. Haven worked with more than 5000 pre-marital couples, Scot will clearly expose you to how to prepare yourself to make the biggest decisions of your life.

Ready or Knot by Pastor Scot, is a practical, Christ-centered guidance that has helped so many couples days after their wedding.

There are true-life stories from real couples who have worked with Scott and the decisions that have helped or mar their relationships in this book. You will be inspired when you read this book. You can’t speak of the best selling marriage preparation books without mentioning Ready or Knot.

10) Passionate Marriage:

Sex is important in every relationship; you have to have it whether you want it or not otherwise your relationship will not work out well. Sexless relationships don’t thrive at all. to succeed in your relationship, you have to improve your sex life.

David Schnarch Ph.D. has packaged some wealth of information that will show you how to keep the passion alive and also help you reach a high sexual and emotional fulfillment.

You’ll be guided towards greater intimacy with some proven technics written down for you in this book by David Schnarch.

Passionate marriage covers everything from a relationship, love, and helpful tools to keep the spark alive in a longterm relationship. It is sure to help you reach your fullest potentials in your love life.

11) Come As You Are:

Come as you are is an exploration of how and why women’s sexuality works. The writer researched the topic of sex thoroughly and find out that the women and men’s sexuality are totally different.

Dr. Emily Nagoski has her personal unique sexuality and so is every other woman and she is ready to show you how to master your own sexuality.

Once you learn the factors that influence your sexuality, you can create better sex and profound pleasure you never believed is possible. This is one of the best selling marriage preparation books that talks about sex and how to improve on it.


Here are the best selling marriage preparation books you asked for. I hope these will answer your questions and guide you to get the marriage of your dream. Make sure you study the books diligently and apply the blueprint you get from them.

The next step is left for you to take to make your dreams come through. It may not be easy when you want to change certain things, but if you are consistent you will get the results you seek.

Which of the best selling marriage preparation books would you want to read first? have you read any of them before and wish to share your views with us here?

Please, use the comment box to share your view.


  • AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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